Well it is officially all things Christmas over here. I know everyone and their mom (including my mom!!!) set up early this year but we still got our tree on Black Friday just like we do every year. If we had a fake tree, I’d totally set it up early, but picking out the tree and setting it up just feels like something you do Thanksgiving weekend.
So we did just that. Every milestone is another excuse to say “remember when I was pregnant last year?” “Remember Hilde’s first Christmas?” The time goes so quickly when you reach these dates. So much has changed within a year – we almost have a 2-year-old AND a 1-year-old!
Last year we discovered our love for Concolor trees – the needles are soft, it doesn’t shed like crazy, smells great, and the color is perfect! So we got another one this year! I noticed we didn’t really take photos in front of the Concolor trees, so you’ll just have to wait for a picture of the decorated tree to see it 😉
The girls are wearing this fun dress I found online! The ruffle sleeves are a little crazy and a little cute so perfect for our girls! I just also can’t get over the santa throwing the presents! I mean, it is just too cute!
So another year, another tree, another set of photos to go into a blog post! Even if no one else reads this blog, I am forever glad I have the motivation to document our days. I know it won’t be long that I will be looking back on these pictures and the babies in our arms!
Check out past years here: one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven! We only missed one Christmas (our first) when we didn’t know we were going to be real tree people! I’m glad we fixed that fast! lol.
And watch out for babies who think eating rocks is a good idea instead of looking cute for a photo… 😉