This year the Mayberry Five (I guess that is what we call ourselves these days) dressed up like classic Halloween! Hilde really wanted to be a ghost this year, and as much as I tried to convince her otherwise, she stood her ground. Now that I think about it, this happened last year too – Hilde wanted to be Tinkerbell so the rest of us fell in line 😉 HAHA! I guess she just has that leadership gene!
So with Hilde as a ghost, the rest of us started brainstorming other classic Halloween costume ideas. Millie quickly claimed the role of Black Cat, but really would she be anything else?!?! And Thorin would of course be a baby pumpkin which was solidified when I saw his costume at a thrift store for 99 cents! Bruce and I went back and forth trying to think of some ideas and after a week or two of list making, finally ordered sweatsuits and went as a Mummy (Mommy) and a Skeleton.
Our costumes usually have a homemade quality to them but this year was my most homemakey! That skeleton was hand drawn and cut by me and glued to a sweatsuit I got on the cheaps from Amazon. It is probably one of the costumes I am most proud of – I mean we did a front and a back!! Millie and Hilde are wearing the same dress in different colors with the same leggings in different colors. I added a “happy face” to Hilde’s dress so everyone knew she was a nice ghost and I wrapped myself in ace bandages. I thought I had ordered enough but I could have probably used several rolls more. Oh well, everyone else looked cute 😉
Uncle Blake & Aunt Sarah moved back from Flordia this year so they joined us in their wizard costumes! My sister made those hats!! Aren’t they awesome?!! And we also met up with our good friends the Nelsons who clearly are the Frozen gang!
Boo at the Zoo is one of our favorite Halloween traditions and we’ll keep doing it until our kids make us stop! Haha! I always love the photos and the memories we make year after year!

Oh! And here is a Halloween gif of years past because why not! XOXO
2021 – 2020 – 2019 – 2018 – 2017