Good Morning! I am excited to be linking up with Kiki of In Its Time & Jenna of Dearest Love for the Circle! Today's challenge is a closet confidential where we fish through our closets and all answer the same questions. Are you ready for a peek into my closet (SPOILER ALERT it won't be too surprising! I am a fan of the capsule wardrobe so most of these things you have seen before... and before!) ... continue reading...
Search Results for: stitch fix
Ekata Designs Giveaway
Happy Friday sweet ones. I hope your week was encouraging and filled with little notes of God's goodness. Today I have the wonderful opportunity of introducing you to an amazing organization! Ekata Designs is a company based in Memphis, TN that teaches refugee women how to make beautiful jewelry and employs them. It is a small step to helping them become independent in their new life here in America! You can read more about each of those beautiful women here. It is truly an amazing ... continue reading...
Top 5 Tips for Instagram
I love instagram. It is hands down my favorite social media. I love that you can create a folder of snapshots and memories. Filled with places you go, people you love, and things you do. Enough space for a caption but not enough space for too many crazy rants or buzzfeed articles. It is a pile of pictures that you can carry in your pocket – like those plastic inserts you can put into your wallet - but better! ... continue reading...
Mocs, Stripes, & My Favorite Colors
This is my everyday casual look for weekends and evenings. At work my attire is business casual so if I swapped the shorts out for some colored skinny jeans, I would be able to head into the office! I do change most days when I get home from work because I value comfort dearly. During the summer my air conditioned determined outfit can not stand up to the summer heat and during the winter leggings and sweaters always call my name! In Colorado cardigans are some of the best items to have in your ... continue reading...
shades of gray
i am a huge fan of blues & grays in all shades. i love them because they are neutrals (my kind of neutrals) they go with all sorts of bright colors and they also go with each other! i like to call this my shades of gray outfit/ Rocky Mountain camo. these pictures were taken the day we were heading home from our mountain getaway (note to readers: i do not look like this the whole time i am in the mountains. i rock the leggings with socks and over sized sweaters mostly when lounging and snow ... continue reading...
week’s end
SNAPSHOTS:1. my second Stitch Fix came in the mail! more to come soon on this but i have to say i was so satisfied! i am getting even more and more excited about my next stitches and am thinking it is pretty much the best thing ever! if you have not yet tried it out, i highly recommend it! you really have nothing to lose because you can keep returning (for free) until you find something you like AND the more detailed/ descriptive you are (in the "about me" and the comment boxes after) the ... continue reading...
Blog Taxes: How, What, Why?
NOTE This is an older post that has been updated with information from wonderful friends in the comments and things I have learned over the years! Last updated: January 2018 WHO: Blog owners & operators that make any money over the year (including all those product payments in reviews & giveaways!) EVEN if blogging or owning an etsy shop is not your full time job! If you make any money (or spend any money on your blog as a business) then you are required to report it on a Schedule ... continue reading...
Denim + Denim
i put this outfit together around the headband. i am a huge fan of the top knot (like it is my go-to look) but this was the first time i added the bow headband - I AM HOOKED! i wore it three days in a row (i get obsessed with things...) but for reals, Bruce and i worked on home projects all weekend and when i walked downstairs with this outfit he said i looked too good not to go anywhere. so we went on a walk (do you see how lovely the weather is?!) and hit up target. i am also a huge fan of the ... continue reading...
week’s end
SNAPSHOTS:1. the 1st annual Christmas Cookie Exchange: this group is so special to me. it is the ladies, the daughters, the daughters-in-law, and granddaughters of the original Bible Study. 20+ years ago four of these ladies and their husbands started meeting each week to walk through life together! their kids grew up together and now are having kids of their own. i married into this group and i know firsthand how valuable growing up in this environment was for Bruce. we are still all friends, ... continue reading...
week’s end
SNAPSHOTS:1. my early Christmas gift to me - a beautiful new pair of Minnetonka Mocs. they are the most comfortable shoes ever. 2. opened my first Stitch Fix box ever and kept everything inside! they did such a good job - i hcannot wait to show you all the goodies inside. 3. excited about being a part of the fellow magazine kick starter project! 4. packed up and sent out my Great Christmas Exchange Gift! so excited for my secret swap partner to open it up!! OTHER FAVORITES:- staff ... continue reading...
What I’ve learned the first 6 months being a Mama
Thank you Moonlight Slumber for sponsoring this post! It has been six months with this little squish and I can hardly believe it! She is starting to look less like a newborn and more like a toddler and I feel like the time has gone by in a blink. I am now one of those stereotypical moms who rave about the days being long and the years being short. At the halfway mark of one year, I thought I would take a quick look back on what I have learned since becoming a mama. Trust your Mama Gut I'll ... continue reading...
Five Ways to Keep Cool, Comfortable, and Confident This Summer
Location: Colorado Springs Farmer's Market Outfit Details: Cotton Dress || Classic Chacos || Farmer's Market Tote (c/o) Summer is hot. Like HOTTT. Am I right? And I don't even live in one of the hottest states! I have an issue with heat, the moment it gets unbearable, I get unbearable. But less is not always more when it comes to surviving the heat. I have found that the way I dress and plan for the day is so important in helping me stay cool, comfortable, and confident as I move ... continue reading...
negative degrees + pops of red
It snowed the first snow of 2014 here in Colorado and it was just as beautiful as always. There is some crazy statistic that Colorado has over 300 days of sunshine - it is basically true. It snowed all day Saturday and then the sun was out the rest of the week. I always find it funny that it can be sunny and freezing (like literally negative temperatures), sunny and snowing, and sunny and raining. But then again, I never could comprehend living in Arkansas and having it be HOT when it was ... continue reading...