Here is to you Mister Mayberry. This day cannot go by without a post in celebration. Two years may not sound like much but it is where we are and I couldn’t be more thankful. While blogging has been a hobby for me, it has also served as a wonderful journey of our lives. We will forever have memories from your 25th birthday, our trip to Winter Park, the adventure we went on with our small group, Christmas, 4th of July, and all the crazy moments in between! This second year was the first year we had a real Christmas tree (and thanks to you, that is a new tradition here.) We even got better at communication ( #couplewin ) and that is always a plus!
I could spend hours and pages recanting our memories but the point is that we have another year checked off on the calendar and many more to go. I love you husband. I am so thankful to do life with you.
PS: Here is the post from our first anniversary (you know, the one where I was in Norway for Laken’s Wedding?!!?) Turns out that post is one of the most viewed posts of all time on Oak + Oats. I like to think of it as everyone supporting us and cheering us on but I really think it has more to do with the picture though, because it is pretty BA!
Happy Anniversary! Isn’t it weird how 2 years feels like a long time–but your wedding feels like it was just yesterday too? Ohhh life. 🙂
<3 Happy anniversary!!!
Happy anniversary!! I hope you had a great day celebrating your love <3
Happy Anniversary! Hope you had a great day together. 🙂