My baby boy is one year old! Feels like just the other day we were meeting him for the first time but a full year has flown on by! Our #ThorinJohn was the first baby of ours to not grow up on Instagram so he doesn’t even need a hashtag name. I’ll be honest, It feels pretty good! According to my Instagram, our life stopped after Christmas 2022 but that couldn’t be further from the truth (and if you read this blog or see us in real life, you already know that!) With both Hilde & Millie I did monthly photos and updates for Instagram. I continued the same thing with Thorin, I just didn’t post them! Haha. Seeing these sitting & standing babies held up by Bruce every month their first year of life just makes me smile – I love how much they change and grow in the first year!
Things I want to remember about him now: He is so active. After only starting to officially crawl a couple months ago, he is zipping around the house, pulling himself up on everything, and scootching around everything he can (including pushing the highchair across the kitchen.) He has two teeth on top and two on bottom but several coming in (at least three!) As you can see in the photos, he has had more hair his entire life than either of the girls did their first year and I think it is hilarious! Also, he has the curls coming in so he may be following in Millie’s footsteps!
He says what sounds like “wow” and points at all the things of interest. It’s adorable. He also says “dada” and knows exactly who he is talking about. We’re still working on mama 😉 He bounces to music but not all music – it has to be his kind of music. Which luckily for dad and I is Reliant K, Switchfoot, Five Iron Frenzy, and general Pop Punk hits from the early 2000’s. Also Hilde & Millie’s toddler music like the Floor is Lava and Watermelon Meow Meow.. but still. Speaking of those girls, he loves his sisters although they smother him with love… yes SMOTHER. And he doesn’t have much patience with them trying to cart him around or treat him like one of their baby dolls!
He is an eating machine and is slowing down on nursing faster than the other two. If he is whiney, just give him more food. He also has a thing for standing in highchairs and trying to launch himself out of them. We took the straps off our highchair at home because the girls never used them and then we had to dig through tubs of baby gear to try to find them again for this boy. Speaking of boy, when they say that boys are different than girls, I finally get it. He is crazy and rambunctious in ways even my crazy & rambunctious girl (Hilde) never was! He has jumped out of the highchair, fallen down the stairs, thrown himself off steps, porches, couches, and beds several times, headbutted walls, and ended up with more bumps and bruises than I am comfortable with. He likes to growl and dad can always make him giggle. His resting face is not a smile (unlike his mama) but every stranger, grandma, friend, mom, and sister tries to make him crack a smile. It is like winning the jackpot when you get him to do it! Oh and he has historically been the worst sleeper but we try to not hold that against him 😉 Happy Birthday Thorin John. We love you truly and deeply!
Oh my goodness he is absolutely darling!! Love these pictures!
Thank you so much Katie! I think so as well! And I know, I love the monthly progression!
Love it. And of course him, he’s pretty cool too.
He is the coolest!
What a wonderful little man he is!