One Month. Two Months. Three Months. Four Months. Five Months. Six Months. Seven Months. Eight Months. Nine Months. Ten Months. Eleven Months. Twelve Months.
When Hilde was born, I knew I wanted to document her “monthversary” with a photo. It felt like the thing a blogger and photographer should do 😉 I saw a photo of a baby being held up by dads arms and we made that our pattern for each month so we could see how she grew. I posted each month on Instagram with a blurb about what she was doing at the time (although looking back I always wish I wrote more because I have forgotten so much! lol) That set a precedent that we gladly followed for Millie. Seeing all 12 months together in one photo is literally one of the best things ever to me.

Things I want to remember about her now: She sings along with me and Hilde when ever we are singing. She cries while she walks around looking for someone to pick her up. She hasn’t figured out how to go down the stairs so she just yells and puts her arms up to be carried. She loves all the snuggles and is very content just sitting in laps. Her favorite book is Good Night Moon followed closely by Jamberry and then any book that has farm animals. Speaking of laps and books, she could sit on your lap while you read books forever. She loves sealing food off her sister’s plate and she also loves stealing her bottles (but isn’t as into a bottle of her own.) She has four teeth on top and three on bottom – It’s been this way for weeks now and I just love not symmetrical it is. Her hair is still very white blonde and very short, although it is growing and I am seeing a bit of a curl in the back – we will see if that stays! She startles easy – especially when dad picks her up to play with her (she isn’t as into the spins and tosses that her big sis loves!) She loves being near her big sister and plays so well with her. She loves to blow kisses and give raspberries. And if she isn’t crying, she is smiling big!
We celebrated the day before with family in this Cheers! Themed birthday and had a low-key birthday together. We started a tradition with Hilde of going out to breakfast on their birthdays and so we continued that this year. We were so thankful indoor dinning just opened back up because it was a snowy, chilly, Colorado winter morning. We got her a shopping cart but forgot to give it to her on her birthday so we built it the next day for her – it was a hit with both the girls!
Happy Birthday Millie Bea! We’re so thankful for you!