I am joining in with Samantha of Elah Tree’s Lens Revolution! I have never taken a photography class but I long to learn more about my camera and creating pictures for this space! Sam just started this series on weekly prompts to help you learn and grow in your photography! I am thrilled to be joining in today – check out past prompts on Aperture and ISO!
Today’s challenge involves selfies and tripods. It is meant to move us from behind the camera to in front of the camera – being the photographer and model all at the same time while telling a story.
My story involves long days at work and the pressure to come home and continue producing – fold the laundry, start dinner, catch up on blog emails, cross off things in my planner, grab the mail, run to the grocery store, pick up the living room… I come home from work to more work and the rush and push of it all does nothing good for my mood.
Because I go into work early, I come home early. I have a good hour before anything really needs to get done, I can plan chores & errands for the weekend, and I can wait to turn on my computer and see all I missed. That hour after work tends to be wasted anyways – browsing Pinterest or Twitter, falling into the comparison trap as I am overwhelmed by how much everyone else seems to be able to get done.
I’ve started a new post work tradition that involves sitting in the sunshine. I nap, I read, I write (in a journal), I take photos for fun, I walk around the block, or do whatever I want. I may end up in the kitchen creating something new or picking up my clothes off the bedroom floor but it is not because I need to get it done to cross off my list – it is because I actually want to do that.
The sun that shines through this window is so powerful because it is a western facing window and the sun always dances at the top of the mountains when I get home from work. I kinda love how it makes such hash lines and deep shadows.
Do you own a tripod? Do you ever try to take selfies? Have a DSLR and want to play with it? Join The Lens Revolution!
Thanks! IT was fun playing around with something new – the lens revolution gives me freedom to do that!