– we went to Breckenridge this weekend with our community group. there are seven couples including us in our group (also one baby and three on the way!). all the couples attended the Silent Auction & Gala for the ministry that i work at and we bid on a house in Breckenridge and won it! this was our weekend to go and we had such a sweet time together (i am excited for my own bed tonight though!) the trees surrounding our cabin made us feel like we were sitting in the middle of Narnia!
– we got hit with a beautiful and record breaking cold snow storm this week and i got 2.5 days off work! eeek! we left our snowy home to drive up further into the mountains where even more fresh powder awaited us!
– i didn’t believe the weather man on wednesday and wore flats to work. good thing they made us go home at lunch time or i would have had to scrape off even more snow off my car with my naked feet.
– what else do you do on a snowday?! i thought making hot coco and sending out all my Christmas cards was the perfect idea and i was right.
– another Broncos win!
– catching up on laundry
– buying new minnetonka moccasins for me and buying the rest of my gifts for this year!
– eating for the first and second time at moe’s original and loving it!
– listening to the Frozen Soundtrack on repeat
holiday gift guide: for him
wishing for a snowday
staff Christmas pictures
December Crush Giveaway – $100 to Minted! (enter now!!)
my ornament tradition
eighth day of advent
how we do gifts in our family : jones design company – love her outlook & honesty
our hutch makeover: jenny highsmith – so pretty and clean.
korean superstitions: lost in travels – it is just too funny!
follow friday anne the adventurer: thoughts by natalie – this interview is so beautiful
yes! a whole week of them would be lovely!
I love snow days!!!
snow!? not in atl! 🙂
well i'm just going to join in with everyone else and say how much i want snow. it would be perfect. christmas lights on, fire roaring in the fireplace, and snow falling outside. sigh.
yay new moccs! they are so cute.
frozen soundtrack on repeat for all the days of my life.