April 9th, 2023
Easter is a special day for the church body as a whole as we celebrate how Jesus overcame death on the cross, bearing the weight of all our sins, and rose again bringing us with Him into new life but it is also a significant day in our little family. All three of our children were baptized on Easter Sunday – counting them as God’s people. Hilde in 2019, Millie in 2021, and Thorin in 2023. Something Bruce and I didn’t initially plan or dream for our children, but now something we cherish deeply and bear the responsibility.
When I share that we baptize our babies, I still feel the need to explain why. It wasn’t the way I was raised so it still feels a bit foreign and new – like several other Anglican traditions and operations. I love how Tish Harrison Warren shares about baptism in Liturgy of the Ordinary:
Baptism is the first word of grace spoken over us by the church. In my tradition, Anglicanism, we baptize infants. Before they cognitively understand the story of Christ, before they can affirm a creed, before they can sit up, use the bathroom or contribute significantly to the work of the church, grace is spoken over them and they are accepted as part of us. They are counted as God’s people before they have anything to show for themselves.
Tish Harrison Warren (Liturgy of the Ordinary, p. 17)
We baptize children who are not able to answer for themselves on the basis of the faith of their parents and godparents ( & grandparents), and on the understanding that they will be brought up as Christians in the fellowship of the church, of which they are full members! It’s new and a bit foreign to our non-denominational/ evangelical free backgrounds, but we whole heartedly agree that Children are part of the body of Christ and we rejoice over this milestone in each of our three children’s lives!
Bruce’s parents and my mom stood on stage with us. Uncle Blake and Aunt Sarah sat in the audience with Tante Greta, Uncle Brad, and cousins Kinsley and Bryce. My dad (a paster at another local church) wasn’t able to join us but he did give us big bear hugs and cheek kisses after, rejoicing with us and promising to be ever faithful in prayer! And over the internet, Uncle Chris & Aunt Julie and Uncle Matt & Aunt Becca witnessed it too. My sister Becca watching live and sending screenshots to the family chat (you can see the same ones right below!)
And after the great noise, much rejoicing, and many alleluias, we went to Bruce’s parents for an Easter feast and egg hunt. I’ll leave you with the rest of the pictures from the day!
He is risen!
He is risen indeed!
Love ❤