I have countless memories of getting up while it was still dark out to load up into the car and head ALLLL the way across town to the Labor Day Lift Off with my family. Now that I am grown I realize the drive was only 15 minutes, but as a child it felt like such a magical & far away place. We would dress in layers because the sun would warm us as it rose and we would drink hot coco out of a Tupperware thermos as all six of us tried to fit onto one blanket.
The field all around us would start growing as dozens of balloons filled with hot air. We would watch them rise up off the ground and dip into the lake as they flew away. And it was always worth the early morning wakeup call.
Today was the first time I took my own kids and I could cry. There is something so special about passing down those traditions and those family memories. In years past the balloons don’t always launch due to smoke or wind or other weather conditions but they did today!
Millie spent most of the morning pointing and saying “Balloon! Balloon!” and waving as they flew over our heads. Hilde was just very into everything going on! She also took this photo of Bruce and I and I can’t get over it! I made it into a GIF because she took a bunch while we posed! Here is too many more memories as these girlies grow and we keep coming back year after year!
Love these photos and that tradition!
Thanks so much for embracing the early morning with me!