
We had our first official Ridings family (my side) reunion in 2020. I know, what a year to have it 😉 But it was the first one since all the kids were married and with all three grandchildren. There was a lot of time we didn’t think it was going to be able to happen but it did!!

We went to Disney World and while I didn’t love all the changes COVID brought with it, we still made so many memories and had so much fun. It was so historic not just for our family (all 13 of us together) but also for the experience. Ideally we wouldn’t have had to wear masks in our photos, but they still tell a story of the world at large and this very interesting season we are living through.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, print your photos! Instagram is here today, gone tomorrow. If you want to post it, you can print it! Fill your home with memories – you’ll enjoy them for years to come!! I knew I wanted to make a book of this historic reunion. And not just one book – FIVE! One album for every family in our family (YAY!)

Have you seen Artifact Uprising’s new Color Series Photo Books? They are so fun! Not only are they quality (as everything from Artifact Uprising is) but they are also super easy to customize! I made each book the same on the inside but personalized each cover by changing the shape, color, and feature photo to match all the homes these guys are heading off to! They are perfect for mixing and matching in your own home or giving as gifts to friends & family!

We love Artifact Uprising so much (as you can see from our other posts!) and I am very honored to be able to share a coupon code with you! Save 15% off when you use code: OAKS15
Print. Those. Photos.