Millie Bea Mayberry || January 11th, 2020 || 9:27 am || 6 lbs 11 oz || 19 inches
Mama’s Outfit: Dwell & Slumber || Baby’s Outfit: Copper Pearl Swaddle & Bow (Vintage Pink) – Kyte Baby Sleeper & Copper Pearl Hat || Sister’s Outfit: Vaenait Baby Jammies Set & Bow (Vintage Pink)
I’m sitting down to write my second birth story and it’s pretty unbelievale. It wasn’t that long ago (17 months to be exact) that I was writing the story of my first. In many ways it was the same, but it was also completely different. I’ll get into all the details soon, but both my c-section and healing from the operation were much easier than with Hilde which was pretty wonderful!
From the beginning we knew this would be another c-section. I didn’t make the requirements for a VBAC and I wasn’t going to fight it. I love my doctor (she delivered Hilde too!) and I completely trust her judgment. So when we were a couple months out, we set the date.
Having a set date was pretty different this time around. With Hilde I kept waiting to go into labor – wondering when we would meet her. And each day past our due date was like a “could this be it?!” This time, we had a couple times we thought my body was going into labor but my doctor sent me home to rest because we didn’t want to do the c-section any sooner than we had too.
We spent Friday getting all the last minute things done. It was actually hilarious. We stayed up late working on projects, packing the hospital bag, cleaning the house, and trying to prepare to be a family of four! Both Bruce and I are procrastinators and so having a deadline of Millie coming on Saturday made for checking off our to-do list the day before 😉
This time I wanted to bring our camera with us to the operating room (so I was making sure our camera was charged, the card was empty, and all our gear was ready to go!) I can only have one person in there with me (so obviously that was going to be Bruce) but he just happens to be a photographer so it worked out! Bruce showed me the photos in recovery and I just cried. I am SO glad we have these photos.
Everything about my c-section was better this time and I was so thankful for it. I was able to come into this operation with a better mindset, breathing techniques (to help me even when I couldn’t feel my lungs moving), and worship songs/ verses to repeat when I felt the pain & anxiety. I was so aware and engaged this time (last time I passed out) so I felt like I was able to enjoy the experience. Enjoy is a weird word to use there – I didn’t enjoy the c-section but the joy of the moment, hearing Millie cry out for the first time & watching her snuggled up in Bruce’s arm was something I did enjoy!
When they wheeled me to the recovery room, I turned to Bruce and said “I don’t remember doing this last time!” Which really was just another testament of how my mental state and physical pain was much better this time around. Even my recovery in the hospital was much better!
Speaking of our hospital stay, it was a bit like a vacation this time around 🙂 Hilde was with grandparents for the entirety of the stay and, with only a newborn to take care of, we felt like we were on easy street. With Hilde I remember being so overwhelmed in the hospital, but this time we just snuggled Millie, nursed her, changed diapers, and watched Making It on our laptop!
The next day Ashlee came to take photos and while it was a little chaotic, I’ll forever cherish these photos of our growing family! Hilde was equal parts in love with Millie and a bit jealous of all the attention. Really trying to get us all together into a picture was a piece of work! Thankful for Ashlee’s patience and skill to get these pics!
And of course so thankful for our girls. And another healthy mama & baby birth story. Now enjoy some photos 🙂