Hilde Joy Mayberry || August 21st, 2018 || 10:30 pm || 7 lbs 14 oz || 20 inches
Mama’s Outfit: Dusty Rose Robe || Baby’s Outfit: Winter Peony Swaddle Set
This is one of those surreal posts to sit down to write. I’ve read many birth stories over the years and always though about how crazy it would be to one day write my own. It wasn’t long into pregnancy when I realized the only way out was through labor and delivery and I took a break from reading said birth stories because I was freaking myself out (I’m excited to get back to Call the Midwife because I most definitely put that show on hold for 9 months 😉 ). Hilde’s birth story was one I didn’t plan or imagine. But I think that is how they all go! You just cannot know what your birth stories will be. It is part of what makes it so magical.
The plan was to have a natural birth. The goal was without an epidural but I wasn’t against it if we all would benefit from one! I woke up August 21st still pregnant. I was 41 weeks pregnant to the day and heading to my doctor that afternoon for our weekly appointment. Honestly, I had been praying I would go into labor naturally before we would have to induce so I was a bit disappointed driving in with no sign of labor for this appointment. The plan was to schedule an induction date. (After we waited as long as we could for me to go into labor on my own) because my doctor didn’t want me to go past 42 weeks. High risk for mama & baby.) I wrote this post in the morning and then drove myself to the doctor because I was having zero contractions. I didn’t think that today could be her birthday (even though I wanted it to be!)
We went through the normal routine…Checking my weight & heart rate, checking baby’s heartbeat, and measuring my belly. Everything was great just slow progressing. I was dilated to 3 cm so still not in labor but at least my body was doing something I thought! My doctor looked at my belly and back up at me and said ” Okay Beth, I am concerned she might not be head down anymore. I’m going to find an ultrasound to bring in here to double check.” She walked out to grab that and I texted Bruce “She might be breech. Waiting for an ultrasound.” I’m a great communicator 😉
When she came back, she looked at me and said, ” If this is her head, we’re going to schedule a c-section for tonight. I don’t want to risk you going into labor on your own resulting in an emergency c-section.” At this point my mind was kind of reeling but I was trying to stay cool & collected. I get very quiet in situations like this trying to soak it all in. When she put the ultrasound on my belly, it was her big, beautiful head. I knew I would get to meet her that night even though this was nothing like I had planned. It was relieving and terrifying all at the same time.
My doctor sent me home to gather Bruce and my stuff and come back at 8 pm. The anesthesiologist wouldn’t let me have surgery until 10:15pm because of the last time I ate/ drank (that La Croix and cheese stick on the way to my doc appointment! haha!). I called Bruce in the car, sent out texts to friends & family with the update, and calmed my nerves before driving home. I had three hours to plan mentally for a c-section but I thought googling it would be a bad idea (I tried to just get the basics because I knew nothing about the procedure). Then we watched The Office until we had to go in to calm our nerves and just laugh. The Office is so good for that.
The first hours were prepping for surgery, monitoring me & baby, and multiple doctors & nurses coming in to tell us more about all the things going on. At 10:15 pm I got rolled down the hall into the operation room where I was drugged up but still awake for the surgery. Bruce came in dressed in scrubs, booties, and hairnets and sat my my head as they put up a tarp by my face and then it was go time.
The doctors made Bruce sit by me at first.(I think too many dads pass out when they make the first cuts) Once they started pulling her out, Bruce was able to stand and watch her make her entrance. I felt a lot of pressure at this time but it wasn’t that bad. Honestly, I was just so eager to hear her first cries. At 10:30 pm (see all so fast!) they announced her birth and rushed her into another corner of the room where Bruce went to cut the cord and hold her. Since it is a clean and sterile environment I wasn’t able to hold her right away. Plus my arms were strapped down and attached to a million things and I was starting to panic at this point. I have since talked to others who have experienced a c-section and I know I am not alone in this feeling. It is a major surgery that you are awake for which is crazy in itself. But you also just feel a lot more and I was convinced I couldn’t breath because of how the numbing feels on your lungs. Everyone was so great! My doctor kept telling me that Hilde was beautiful and everything is going well. There were no issues but I felt like I was dying 😉 The anesthesiologist was my saving grace. He touched my shoulder and told me my oxygen levels were great and helped me take deep breaths. I fainted a couple times while they were sewing me back up but the surgery itself went perfectly and so smoothly. All that to say that c-sections are crazy and I was not prepared for it! And I feel like I need to apologize to everyone in there for repeatedly saying I couldn’t breathe.
I was rolled into the recovery room where Bruce & Hilde were waiting for me. I’m so thankful Bruce was here through the entire process. I couldn’t hold her right away but he could and he snuggled her and loved on her the whole time. I was foggy for awhile but then the nurse gave me some medication and I felt much better. At that point I got to hold Hilde for the first time and it was magical. After two hours in recovery, we moved to the mom & baby suites where we hung out for the next couple days until we got to go home as a family of three.
That is the Hilde Joy’s birth story! It isn’t what we planned but it is what God had in mind. And both mama and baby are healthy so I cannot complain one bit. I wanted the 21st to be her birthday and remember feeling sad waking up with zero contractions that Tuesday. It is so sweet how the Lord provides in His timing. We’ve been soaking up all the newborn snuggles and this sweet new season.
Photos by Ashlee Kay Photography
You and Bruce did it! Hilde Joy is safety here! Love you lots! You are natural parents, much more important than a natural birth. 💕
Congrats!!! You are so strong and brave. That must have been so scary to feel like you couldn’t breathe! Way to go, Beth. So glad Hilde and you are doing well 🙂