This whole year very well may be a bunch of blog posts called “Hilde’s First __________” fill in the blank. I always said this blog wouldn’t turn into a “mommy blog” and I still stand by that BUT this blog and the content here will never look the same. I’ve always loved the freedom of being a lifestyle blogger because this space keeps up with me as I age. I started this blog EIGHT whole years ago and my life looks nothing like it did back then. That was pre kids, pre marriage, and even pre dating. It was all the way back in college which feels so long ago now that I’m officially in my 30s. Here we are now and I’m sharing my first fall with our daughter.
Technically I am still on Maternity Leave, but I just love this space so much and honestly need a place to put all the photos I’ve been taking! I don’t blog as often as I would like because I am spending lots of time snuggling a baby, but I do try to stay up on my Instagram & Facebook so make sure you are following me there to stay up to date.
The other weekend we went up to check out the yellow aspens because autumn is my favorite season (ish… I like them all really). The golden aspens of Colorado are one of my favorite things ever. Fall is beautiful everywhere but I will always love Colorado in the fall because it is home. When we were getting ready to head out on our hike (takes more planning and prep than it used to before kids), we connected with my sister-in-law and my niece who decided to join us! We went to Crystal Creek Reservoir which is off Pike’s Peak Highway. It is one of my favorite places to hike because of the water and the mountain. Also this is the post from last year and nearly the same date!!
Baby girl slept majority of our adventure in the LÍLLÉbaby The Complete All Seasons carrier we bought off Amazon Prime because I wanted to go on this hike! Which, side note, we really love! I also nursed her in the woods by sitting on a log while everyone else explored and played. It was a very successful first hike and our little one month old is all kinds of adorable!