It is here! The big THREE – O. I’ve been waiting for this birthday since 2004 when 13 Going on 30 came out. I couldn’t wait to whip out the quote “Thirty, Flirty, & Thriving!” Which is a little ironic being that I sit here on my 30th birthday 5 months pregnant and not celebrating with a fancy cocktail & doing the thriller dance 😉 Today I turn thirty and I am pitching myself because how can I really be thirty!? I’m not sad at all, I just cannot believe I already have 3 decades under my belt. I vividly remember learning my high school graduation date was the year 2006 when I was in elementary school and thinking a date that far out could really never arrive. And now here I sit in 2018, pregnant with my first and leaving my twenties behind.
I was super sappy & nostalgic as 2018 rolled in. We knew we were pregnant but it was still too early to tell anyone and it was the year we both turn 30 as 1988 babies. Both of our moms had us at 30 so it also felt like a huge confirmation of this year for us. Turning thirty, adding a child to our family, and starting off a new decade by entering into a new season. Birthday posts are one my my favorite things I started doing on this blog. 26, 27, 28, & 29 are all recorded here in this space.
I’m truly thrilled to be entering this new season. I’m excited to be a 30-something, to be a mama, and to parent with my best friend & the man I’ve fallen more in love with than the day I married him. My twenties were incredible. They were not always easy and in fact there were several really hard seasons, but they made me who I am today. And the Lord was faithful through all the years. This year I wanted to do a little something different – you know, because I am so old & wise 😉 But really, 30 things I’ve learned over the years – here we go!
#1 You don’t have to have it all figured out, just start.
#2 Always carry a water bottle.
#3 People are worth it.
#4 Be generous with your home, possessions, and money.
#5 You don’t have to be in the same stage of life to be friends with someone.
#6 A lot of healthy eating is portion control & moderation.
#7 Relient K is always a good choice of music.
#8 Smile at strangers.
#9 Time with the Lord in the morning is way more about relationship than a “Spiritual Discipline”
#10 Be Kind to everyone you interact with.
#11 To truly fall in love, you have to let go of the fear that you will get hurt.
#12 The line before more & enough never closes. You need to learn to be grateful or you will never be content.
#13 Your body is beautiful & incredible. Speak kindly to it.
#14 You have an obligation to be kind to yourself
#15 God doesn’t love you because of what you do, but because of who you just are.
#16 There is only one you – rock it! Don’t try to be anyone else.
#17 Parents are gifts to be cherished (including the in-laws!)
#18 Having a team mentality with your spouse is essential.
#19 Make time to do fun things with your spouse. Those memories help in life’s stressful moments.
#20 You don’t have to spend money like everyone else. Save your money for the things you value. Even if it is Disney vacations and your friends think you are silly 😉
#21 Celebrate friendships, people, holidays, and all the things.
#22 Get enough sleep. It makes everything else better.
#23 Try new things, challenge yourself, find new hobbies. You can’t grow if you don’t do anything new.
#24 You can’t always wait for people to reach out to you, most of the time you need to take the first step. Be the brave one.
#25 You can’t do all the things. Be picky with your “Yeses” and your “Nos”
#26 When you are stressed take a walk to clear your head – even if you feel like you don’t have time.
#27 Go above & beyond on projects.
#28 People will hurt you. You can only control how you choose to react to the situation. Bitterness only punishes you.
#29 Memorizing scripture isn’t easy, but hiding God’s Word in your heart is more beneficial than you can even imagine.
#30 Life isn’t about picking the “right choice” when faced with decisions, it is about Trusting the Lord and seeking Him. You’ll always be on the right path if your eyes are on Him!
Outfit Details: Gap Maternity Dress & Sofia Chaco Sandals.
You have learned 30 wonderful things and you live it out daily! Happy 30th birthday my beautiful daughter!