LOCATION: Bear Creek Park
OUTFIT DETAILS: Pink Striped Maternity Dress|| Riffle Paper Co Keds
I love the month of May. It is my birthday month (so obvious love) and my last name has May in it which always feels fun because I like things like that. It is also when Colorado finally starts looking colors other than brown!! Greens and pinks can be spotted in the landscape and everyone gets so excited to see new life. These trees also bloom every May. They don’t last long (although I wish they would) but they are stunning in bloom. Soon the flowers will all fall off and be replaced by leaves, but for now dark pink, light pink, and white flowers cover these trees all over town.

This week I am twenty-six weeks pregnant and it feels a bit surreal that we only have a couple months left. Just like these flowers, pregnancy is such a short season compared to all the other seasons in life. While it was really hard to enjoy the journey in my first trimester and I am warned it will be hard again in my third, everyday I am praying to enjoy this season and be grateful for all the little things.

Today the weather was SO nice out and I wanted to grab a grapefruit beer from the fridge and sit on the porch watching the sunset with Bruce. Summer is my favorite time to drink a beer – so refreshing & relaxing. But of course I cannot participate in that this summer. I know it is a small thing and it is really not a sacrifice at all, but it is funny to already have to change my typical day-to-day for our little girl. And even more surprisingly, I am excited to change a bit for her. Already I am slowing down, saying “yes” to less, and finding joy in the little things. It is as if the Lord gives us a season of pregnancy to prepare for the next season of motherhood.

As you have also seen, I’ve been trying to get a good wardrobe of maternity clothing. I know I don’t need everything out there but I am finding I still need a good chunk of clothes that fit. I am much happier (and have better days) when I can get dressed and feel confident in this changing body! I know maternity clothing works different for everyone, but my pregnancy clothes quickly were not able to work for me so I’ve been in this new wardrobe for awhile now. I love this maternity dress I got from Pink Blush because it is cute and flowy, yet clearly shows my baby belly! I’m really glad that the weather is warming up because maternity dresses are the way to go these days and this dress will be able to grow with me all summer and keep me cool!

What a cute dress! Perfect for the coming summer. You and the tree are beautiful!