Today Bruce and I celebrate three years of marriage. This one snuck up on me, I mean we just celebrated two years and then all of a sudden a year has already gone by. A summer filled with basement projects and a busy schedule had me trying to plan multiple things today but just feeling like “Tuesday the 18th rings a bell.” Turns out it was my anniversary every time. Bruce and I always get a good laugh because we break the stereotype on relationships and anniversaries. I am the one who forgets important dates, names, and memories. Thank goodness for grace and google calendar reminders 😉
As I prepared for today’s post, I went back through all my wedding photos. I noticed that they are starting to look a little dated. I mean, I love the photography and was thrilled with my photographer – but the photos are starting to show their age. I look different, Bruce looks different, our relationship looks different. If I got married today I probably would have picked a different dress, colors, maybe even location. A peek at my Pinterest Wedding board reflects a different feel than it did three years ago. Life moves on, new fads are introduced, and even personal passions/favorites change over time.
I love that my wedding photos are starting to date themselves. It is nostalgic and it is a reflection of longevity. I know I am not the only one who loves to stare at my parents wedding photos (now 37 years ago) and cousins, grandparents, big siblings, in-laws, friends. I love that my mom wore her hair Farrah Fawcett style, my dad rocked the white tux, and my mom hand-sewed all her bridesmaid dresses – it was straight out of 1978.
Three years isn’t thirty but it is still significant. I can’t believe that we’ve been married for longer than we dated (that season felt like it went on forever) and we are on year four which will then surpass the four years in college I was convinced no one would really want to marry me (I can be dramatic at times.) And these last three years as a Mayberry have been so wonderful. Yes, hard at times but also very easy at times too. Filled with many more life- giving, fun memories than I knew I could experience.
After about one day of marriage, people start asking you for advice about the topic. We’ve been saying the same thing and we will keep saying the same thing. To all the singles/ dating make sure you marry someone you enjoy hanging out with – make sure you marry your friend (not just your lover.) I’m convinced this will carry you through so many of life’s frustrations and disappointments. To all you who are already married, communicate. Share your dreams, desires, hopes and listen to that of our spouses. Do things together to achieve those things in both your lives. This will require a bit of sacrifice, but it is so worth it to both feel heard, loved, encouraged, and known. Keep the team mentality!
I’ll leave you with that, the knowledge and advice of a couple heading into year four and the fun realization of our wedding photos showing their age. To all of you, be encouraged wherever you stand in the relationship category. You are part of a story that is being written and it is sweeter than you realize. And to my sweet husband of three years, I’m so thankful to spend another year with you Bruce Mayberry – you’re my best friend, cheerleader, lover, adventurer, helper, and travel buddy – I couldn’t imagine it any other way.
PS: If you are feeling like a little time travel, my first post wedding post, Year #1 ,and Year #2.