1. Have you joined up with #fridayintroductions yet? Do it. Do it now (on Friday)
2. Colorado hiking with my man & carrying a flask because it’s an adventure flask.
3. Reading Love, Skip, Jump with the influence network! I’ve been reading so much this season and really enjoying it. Take a break, slow down, and grab a book. I forget how wonderful it feels to just read.
4. If you have not figured it out already, this is how I survive & thrive in the winter times. Cuddled up with layers all. the. time! Also, you will always find a hot mug of something in my hands.
Cute & Cozy
Milk Dud Peanut Butter Cookies
Wedding Day Getting Ready
Top 5 Favorite Two-Player Games
Getting Ready for Christmas
– Love this idea for table settings this Thanksgiving!
– Great list of items for your Christmas this year.
– Stay Warm.
– All the pies you need.
– Love this wintry/autumn look.
Oh man, it has FINALLY started to cool down in California! – I got to wear a scarf and long sleeves without overheating on Sunday! Hooray for blankets and cocoa mugs!
YES! I love that! Just in time for the holidays 🙂
You are just the cutest and I love how cozy you look all the time!
I've been meaning to start Love, Skip, Jump, but I haven't had the slightest minute to read the past few weeks. Bahh! Tomorrow I think I'm going to carve out some solid reading time. I've missed it! How is LSJ so far? What else have you been reading?
Love the idea of an "adventure flask" – will have to check that one out!
Where can I get more information and the prompt for #fridayintroductions? 🙂
Just look up the hashtag on Fridays on instagram!
Right? It is so cute too!
Thanks lady! I love Cozy clothes!
Lots of CSLewis – The Great Divorce, The Last Battle… Lipstick Gospel… 🙂