My little sister is just got engaged this past month and is getting married in October. I am coming on two years of marriage this summer so it has been fun starting the wedding planning process again! As the big sister and Matron of Honor I have a lot of responsibilities – I mean this is my baby sister! It is such a joy to see her grow up and start planning a wedding and so surreal at the same time. It was just yesterday we were playing Barbies in the basement and performing weddings for our leggo people right?
You learn things as you go through the wedding planning process and think of things later that would have been super helpful. I created a wedding folder towards the end of my engagement because I just had so many sticky notes and receipts and phone numbers and ideas I was trying to keep track of in my room. When my Becca got engaged, I set out to make her a wedding planner/ binder because let’s be honest, I am the organized one in the family! Also, with her getting married in Arkansas and me living in Colorado, I wanted to make her something she could take with her and help with the stress levels.
What is inside
- Cute binder
- Matching folder
- Colored felt tip pens
- Sticky notes (in happy colors!)
- Wedding magazine
- Emily Ley Free Printables (budget worksheet, my simplified day, and month calendar)
- Hit up Target or your favorite journal/ paper store and pick up the goodies (Binder, Folder, Sticky Notes, Pens, Wedding magazine, and other things you want to add! Be sure to choose a binder with rings of sufficient size.
- Print out free printables from Emily Ley.
- Fill with dreams, plans, dates, and adventures! You can make one for yourself if you are planning a wedding or make one to give as a gift to a newly engaged sister or friend! I am sure it would mean a lot to them to have you spend time on them and help them get organized from the beginning.

oh i love this!! you are such a great sister AND matron of honor. 🙂
that's really cool!
Where on Emily Ley's Facebook page (that's what it linked to), can I find those awesome printables that you referred to?
What a great idea!! I'm sure your sister is so thankful for you during this time!
I know! I just looked at her webpage and the shut it down for a couple days before there launch next week! http://www.emilyley.com/ I feel bad that I posted about them when her shop is off 😉 But it will be back sooon!!!
thanks lady!
🙂 It was also super fun making it for her!
🙂 It is fun to be the big sister in this time!
This is such a great engagement gift idea! So thoughtful! Thanks for sharing all the links 🙂
I made a wedding binder when I got engaged, but I didn't use it as much as I wish I would have. But anyways… I'm SO excited about this wedding. I met them both freshman year and was friends with them separately. It seems weird that I never put them together, because it really makes so much sense! Have they chosen a date yet?