1. it was a beautiful day for a backyard wedding. it was a blast to spend time with family and friends in the Texas heat. our sweet cousin Lindsay married her camper crush Bram this weekend. it was another eagle lake wedding – that place is one of the best match makers. also, Bruce man really is my favorite wedding date of all time #weddingdateforlife
2. Bread & Wine is a great pool side read. i have not read by the pool since last summer (if not longer!) it was so fun to just sit by a pool. also this book is a must read on my list! i am so inspired to continue cultivating community, opening up my home more, and learning to create food with my hands.
3. reading Nehemiah with the #shereadstruth community and my Kansas City best friend miles away. learning about praying always and moving heart into action. it is pretty powerful and encouraging. i like it!
4. me & mere. i married into wonderful people and love that i can call this lady friend & cousin. it would have been much harder to say goodbye if she was not coming out to stay with us in mid june! ps: the rehursal dinner was at Rudy’s – a great place for a rehursal dinner!
– wedding laughter and new friends
– boot shopping in Texas
– road tripping with the fmaily and getting a free upgrade to the nicest suburben ever
– google chat with some blog besties
colorado community
capture that moment
oat + almond breakfast smoothie
squarehue giveaway
I agree! It was nice to be in Texas but I am glad to be home as well. It is a bit on the hot/humid side there! haha
how awesome is the SRT: nehemiah plan?! it is rocking my world right now.
and your swimsuit is super cute!
You're right, I should just go back and read them on the blog! I love to read them off of my email, and since I'm behind I hadn't even thought to actually go to the blog and read it. duh 😉 I'll have to check out it at the bookstore! Thanks for the recommendation 🙂
I know! I really am loving it. a couple days behind but I am still committed to finishing it!
you are so welcome!
1.) You look so cute! 2.) Did you get a pair of boots? 3.) Totally just added Bread and Wine to my Amazon list!
nope. (we are opting to spend our money on new chacos)
great! you WILL love it hands down!