As a mama, one of the things I long for – and strive to do – is add a bit more childhood wonder into our days. However, my life can get so busy and distracted – I blink and days/ weeks pass by. Without much todo or hubbub, I can easily forget an upcoming holiday and busy my brain with the basics or the ever present demands of the “right now.”

Valentine’s Day is always one of those holidays that sneaks up on me. It is in the shortest month of the year, trailing both Christmas and Millie’s birthday, right around Lent (this year ON Ash Wednesday,) and honestly at the point of winter when we are all more than over it and tired of runny noses and coughs.

When I saw this idea all over Pinterest – fairy wands – I knew that my girls would adore them. After convincing myself it would actually be really simple, I made these one Saturday morning in less than 30 minutes. Granted Bruce was on Thorin duty (someone has to have eyes on that crazy toddler at all times!), but it took no time and before I knew it, I had two St. Valentine fairies flying around my house. It was worth the late night thought, the amazon prime order, and the 30 minutes of crafting while my girls asked every 5 minutes if the wands were ready. These wands have already brought hours of imaginative play, twirling, and little girl giggles!

What you need
- Felt (the stiffer kind works best)
- Stuffing
- Sewing Pins
- Scissors
- Assorted Ribbons (I used this, this, and this)
- 1/4 inch Dowel Rods
- Super Glue

how to
- Start by cutting out a heart in the felt. I tried using a cookie cutter for the shape but ended up preferring the heart I made the traditional way, by folding the felt in half and cutting.
- Use sewing pins and attach it to another piece of felt. Cut around it to make a matching heart.
- Starting at the bottom but leaving a small gap, sew around the heart.
- Fill the heart with as much stuffing as you can fit. I found that it was helpful to use the dowel rod to get it stuffed into all the spaces.
- Insert the dowel rod and use super glue to seal the hole.
- Tie assorted ribbons at the bottom of the heart. Use a dot of super glue to keep the ribbons tied tight and in place.
- Enjoy!