“But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son”
Galatians 4:4
Lately I have been reflecting on God’s timing. Not just in my own life as I think about the prayers I wait on answers for or the long nights of still not sleeping through the night, but also His timing of the Christmas story. You see, Jesus and salvation was always part of the plan but God waited until the right time. After all the years the Old Testament records and then some. He waited.
He waiting for the completion of time (as some other translations use) – a time when had Rome created roads and a language to easily spread the Gospel. A time when the disciples (those he chose to be part of the story) were born and in the right place. A time when the prophecies were fulfilled & when things lined up to perfectly bring him glory and change the world.
I remember my first Christmas with Hilde, the Christmas story just hit me differently. I held this little baby in my arms and marveled at how the Lord chose to bring Jesus into our world as a baby. As I nursed her to sleep I would think of how Mary held Jesus in her arms – rocking and nursing the God of all creation. It is incredible how fragile He became when He literally is the strongest in the world. I can here my girls singing now in the other room – “My God is so BIG! So strong and so mighty. There is nothing my God cannot do!”
This is another Christmas, holding a baby in my arms and being in awe of the Christmas story all over. But maybe even more as these two other babies of mine are no longer babies but full grown toddler dough eating machines 😉
And I just sit here marveling at how he works. We see His hands in action when we look back which is why it is always important to reflect, acknowledge, and leave markers of remembrance – just like the Israelites. We walk into the future trusting He is weaving stories and patterns we do not see. Because he works in His own time, and it is always just the right time.

a great reminder that His timing is perfect (even when I think I know better!) thanks for sharing the truth of the gospel in your posts!
and also how cute is Thorin with those gnomes?!
I know! He is too adorable!