Since I don’t use Instagram anymore but I am a sucker for tradition, I am moving my monthly posts over to this platform. YAY! Maybe these posts will be short and sweet like the ones I did on Instagram or maybe I’ll write longer, rambling on as one does, since I am no longer limited by character counts. I guess we will see as we go. But look! I did do a “two month” blog post for Millie too!
I’m writing this post with this little guy strapped to my chest. He hasn’t been good about wrap naps for the last week or so but today is a good day to get things done while he snoozes away. We’re working on getting a good rhythm going as far as naps and schedules go to help with not the best nights and pretty clingy days! Haha. I read back on both the girl’s two month recaps and noticed the “sleeping through the night” shout outs. This little guy, not so much but God is giving me lots of extra grace for him (and my other two!) in this season and I am frequently going to bed the same time as the big girls. I know now on baby #3 that everything really is a season and it changes before you know it. But just for myself in the future who can’t remember, we’re currently up every two ish hours. TWO HOURS!!
Millie was 10 lbs 11 oz at this age and Hilde was 12 lbs on the dot. Thorin is 12 lbs 8.5 oz so he wins the prize for heaviest baby at this point! He carries it all in his cheeks and that belly (and I thought Hilde had big cheeks at this age.. 😉 ) My in-laws call like to call him Winston Churchill for obvious reasons! As you would expect he is in 3-6 month clothes and even some 6-9 because his torso is out of this world. His legs? Not so much (notice the pant roll!) I sill cannot get over the fact we have a son… its unreal!
Thorin gets an insane amount of love from his older sisters. If he is at their level (bouncer, couch, lap of sitting adult) the girls are in his face – for better or worse. He just started the social smiles and giggles so Hilde makes it her goal to get him to smile at her and Millie takes it upon herself to sing to Thorin anytime he cries.
Hmmm… I’m trying to think of anything else I need to document. He is a big fan of me (which people told me boys love their mamas!) and a big fan of being held. Pretty sure he figured out quickly he had to be vocal to get attention in this family! Haha! Grateful to the Lord for His gifts and provision and trying to soak up each season as it comes and goes. We love you Thorin John!
Two Months with Hilde + Two Months with Millie
Love, love love! It is especially sweet to be reminded of Hilde and Millie at the same age. It is a season and you all will find a rhythm and strength to thrive through this one.
Totally! It is SO fun to look back on all the kids at the same age!