This should be an ad for the UPPAbaby stroller we got when we found out we were pregnant with Hilde four years ago. All three babies on this stroller that has wheeled us reliably through so many adventures! First one, then two, and now three kiddos. We took our first family stroll the other day and my heart swelled with joy. We didn’t go far or fast as my insides were still healing from my third c-section, but the fresh air and movement did us all some good.
Already people are asking me about this transition to three. “Is it hard?” they ask. “Is it easier?” they wonder, and I never really know how to respond. It’s both and neither. It’s so easy to love another child and to look at all three of these kids in complete awe. It’s also terribly hard being out-numbered and having all the kids need me at once. I’m more tired than I’ve ever been, but I’m also more capable – surprising even myself with my ability to care for all three of these creations. I can nurse while walking around, helping my 2-year-old find her shoes, and refilling a cup of milk for my oldest. I could have never done that 2 weeks postpartum with my first!
I’m sure as they all grow it will get harder and also easier. Seasons ebb and flow and needs are ever evolving. I don’t have time for much else than my little family, but God is so good and so faithful, and this is exactly where I am meant to be.