I was going to include these photos in a post called “The Zoo on Film” but we already had photos from three rolls (all color) and these ones felt like they needed their own post. Plus there wasn’t a throwaway photo from this roll (which is a first for us) and I felt like we should just make it a post of it’s own and show off all the fun black & white photos from this day at the zoo!
April 2022

The Details
Ilford HP5+ 400 || Nikon F5 || 28 mm f1.8
Film is a funny world. So much of the photo, the crop, the edit is all in camera. You get what you get and you don’t get to see it until your film is developed. I’m not going to lie, I love the convenience of my mirrorless camera – knowing that I got the shot I wanted with the facial expressions, lighting, and focus. But film feels like a rush – did anything turn out? Are any of these going to be memories?
Our film journey also begins in such a weird season for our family. It is no secret that I have quick social media and really backed off on writing/ creating (at least so publicly.) I have a 3-year-old, 2-year-old, and a baby on the way so my focus has been on them. And it doesn’t always include a camera.
I’ve been sitting on these photos for weeks now but I am finally at a coffee shop without kids and it is time to get these published! Enjoy!