Nearly every night I sing the hymn “Turn your eyes upon Jesus” to my girls as I tuck them in bed. Recently I have found myself going back to the old hymns – some that I remember as a child and some that are new to me (yet written centuries ago!) I find deep comfort in knowing that these words have been sung by the church all over the world and throughout many decades. Anthems claimed, prayed, and shared to draw us closer to Christ. I find it so beautiful that a hymn written in 1918 (like Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus) can still apply to us today. I sing the hymn to them as they go to sleep as a reminder for their nights and days, but I sing it to myself too and I don’t know how God is using it in their little hearts, but I know He is using it to change mine!
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus! Look full in his wonderful face! And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace!”
Some of you may know that I got off social media this year. It has dramatically changed my job (and my income) but it has also freed me from a weight I was carrying that I didn’t even know I was holding onto. One that was greatly impacting my family, my relationship with the Lord, and even my health (I just assumed it was normal to be stressed all the time.)
This slower pace has made me more mindful not only of the things I spend my time on but also the things I spend my money on – trusting in the Lord in new ways to provide for our family and also those around me.
All this is a very long intro (which is apparently the way I do things these days now that my mind is free to write & create and my thoughts just pour onto these pages 😉 ) into the fact that the Walk for Life is coming up. My first walk for life was in 2012 when I started working at Life Network. Even though I stopped working there the summer of 2016, I’ll forever be changed by that ministry and passionate about what they do for our city.
With the current changes going on in our country and the laws our state has made (and restrictions other states have made), there is an influx of women in crisis coming to Colorado, searching for answers. At Life Network we are able to educate on the reality of abortion as well as adoption and parenting – injecting hope into what feels like a hopeless situation for so many of these mothers. We’re on the way to giving out a record number of FREE ultrasounds at Life Network this year which dramatically impact a mother’s choice to choose life.
“Oh soul are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see? There’s light for a look at the Savior! And life more abundant and free!”
Life Network remains a faithful stronghold in our city of light & hope – year after year, no matter what legislation may pass. If you don’t personally know the work that is going on at Life Network, I encourage you to read their website, look at all of the free services they offer, see how much they care, talk with staff and volunteers, and pray for the work they are doing. It is Kingdom work and it’s so much more than “just saving babies” although that is still a wonderful outcome worthy to be celebrated!
“His word shall not fail you he promised. Believe him and all will be well! Then go to a world that is dying, His perfect salvation to tell!”
Every year I raise money for the Walk for Life for Life Network, every year my goal is at least $1,000, and every year you guys help me meet it! Would you join me in raising money for Life Network so that they can continue providing FREE and life-changing services to our community?
CLICK HERE to give:
Or if you would rather shop an online Baby Registry that sends items Life Network needs directly to their door, click here. (Urgent Needs are: Diapers – sizes 4, 5 and 6, Crib sheets, Baby food – vegetables only, Nursing pads, Temporal thermometers, Bottle brushes, Formula: Similac Pro Advance; Enfamil yellow, purple and orange cans; Similac blue, orange and purple cans.) You can request an In-kind donation receipt for this as well!
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Gal 6:9-10)
I’d forever be thankful for your participation with me in this!
This is not really related to this lovely post, but I am curious where you purchased your beautiful dress?
Thanks so much! It was a birthday gift and it is from Target! Here is the link:
I love this post so much, that hymn has been a true anchor to me in hard times. I also love your obedience in choosing a new lifestyle and seeing God meet you in new ways. Wish we could connect in person and have coffee together:) sending love 🤍🤍 remind me your due date again? Xoxo Katie
Thank you so much Katie!! I am due July 28th!