Devote yourselves to prayer: stay alert in it with thanksgiving. At this same time, pray also for us that God may open a door to us for the world, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains so that I may make it known as I should. Act wisely toward outsiders, makin the most of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer each person. (Colossians 4:2-9)
Welcome back to the Book Club! I’m just so excited to be doing this. I felt a huge relief when I decided I was done playing Instagram’s game and now, without my phone attached to my hip, I have so much more free time!
Walking at Talking with God by Dean Ridings is the first book I read after establishing my book reading rules and I crushed it. Allowing myself to just read it and enjoy it – gleaning whatever the Lord had for me was freeing. I enjoyed reading it and was convicted just how powerful and important prayer is in our daily lives.
I also was surprised to see my name pop up several times 😉 HAHA! My dad wrote this book and I make a couple cameo appearances which is hilarious and so fun. Besides me being famous now that I am in a book (I joke!) this book is also just a well thought out reason to pray and plan to do it! In this book Dean Ridings (the writer and my dad 😉 ) goes through the importance of prayer in the life of the believer. Even when it feels small, even when it feels not enough. It is packed with Biblical evidence and the joy found when spend in close communion with our Heavenly Father!
Growing up my dad didn’t have an easy life. He told us some stories as my siblings and I grew up but he also shares many in this book with his readers. His story is one impacted and driven by prayer. Not just his, but the prayers of others going before him. It’s inspiring and encouraging. So often I take our life and our dats for grated. Forgetting to see beyond me and my little family.
The book walks through a general plan to Pray for your Family, God’s Family, Your Community, Your Nation, the World, the Helpless, Hopeless, Hurting, and Lost, and Personal Guidance in a super practical (and not overwhelming) way! And if you are looking for a prayer journal that goes well with this book, check this one out! It even comes with a Bible reading plan!
Granted I am a little bias, but I think this is a great read for any believer to be encouraged and challenged in their prayer life!
To kick off this book club, I am going to give away a copy of this book to one of you! All you have to do is click here and enter your email to be entered to win! Giveaway will end Friday August 20th at Midnight Mountain Time and winner will be contacted via email! Good luck!