Ask Elizabeth: I’m getting requests for my Media Kit but I don’t even know where to begin with that! What is it, do I need one, and how do I make it?
SO fun! Today we are digging into media kits! I’m finding that I am using my Media Kit more and more these days. In the past, most of the brands I worked with went through agencies (like CLEVER, Quotient, The Sway) but now I get reached out to directly quite often and being able to reply with a media kit keeps things professional and organized! I’m quickly able to show off all that I offer and help work with the brand to find a package that fits their budget/ campaign!
Having a Media Kit is also very important when it comes to reaching out to brands on your own. You need to include as much information in that first email to really show off your work and get them excited/ interested in working with you! So let’s dig into this topic!
What is a Media Kit?
A Media Kit is a PDF document that you can attach to emails when talking with brands. This includes information about you, your audience, your skills, your rates, you work, etc. It is essentianally a promotional flyer that shows off who you are, the work you can do, and how much you charge for it! Here is my current Media Kit minus my home address:

Do You Need One?
Are brands reaching out to you to collaborate with them on social media or your blog? Are you wanting to reach out to brands to see if they want to work with you? If you said yes to either of these things, then the answer is yes!
How do you Make a Media Kit?
I made my Media Kit on Canva. I love it because I can easily go back in and edit things and just save a new copy. Canva is super user friendly when it comes to design and they have several Media Kit templates to choose from if you don’t want to start from scratch! In fact, just a quick search on etsy pulled up a lot of cute ones too if you want to purchase a template for a small fee!
Don’t want to make your own Media Kit? I can make you one for $75. Just email me and we can figure out the details! Elizabeth@oakandoats.com
How do you Set your Rates?
If you haven’t already set your rates, take some time to write out all you want to offer and get some rates to go with it. I tend to base my rates off of other collaborations I’ve done in the past and create an average that I feel good about. I also take into account how long it takes me to do a reel vs a IG post vs a blog post.
I feel like $100 is a good starting point for an Instagram and $200 for a blog post. It really depends on your numbers and what you have to offer but I’d start with that and go up or down if you feel like you need to change.
Include the Basics
Stats, Bio, Rates, and Skills are all MUSTS. As a photographer I include a lot of photos because that is how I book brands. But if you are a writer or tiktok influencer, make sure you highlight those skills (screen shots, copywriting, etc)
Highlight Brands
Highlight some of the brands you have worked with in the past. This shows what kind of collaborations you have done in the past and can help future brands see if you are a good fit.
Only Share things you are proud of / Your target MArket.
Don’t highlight photos you don’t like or brands you don’t really want to work with again. This Media Kit is to draw your dream/ ideal collaboration in. Make sure that you keep it on brand with the type of work you want to be doing in the future. EX: Want to be doing a lot with travel brands? Post travel themed photos!
Add Extras
Purchasing photos, freelance writings, Instagram reels, photography only packages, and videography are all some “extra” things that I include in my media kit. Feel free to think beyond just a typical Instagram post.
Update every month/ season
Every other month or so I head into my media kit and make some adjustments. I’ll change rates if I feel like I need to, update photos & brands, and just read over to make sure it looks good. In September I make a “Holiday” Media Kit which shows off the Holiday season and is directly geared toward scoring Holiday collaborations.
Include contact Information
Put your email in multiple places and add your mailing address. The more information you have on your Media Kit means that it won’t get disconnected from you when a brand downloads it. Everything points back to you and shows brands a easy way to reach back out to you.
Feel free to Negotiate
Your rates are (just that) yours! If you love a brand but they can only do $100 for an Instagram Post and you want to say yes, just do it! You can totally negotiate with brands if you want but you also don’t have to. If a brand really wants you to drop your rates but you are not feeling it, just politely pass and wish them all the best. Feel free to take this on a case by case basis.
Have fun! Creating a Media Kit is a lot of work upfront but makes future work much easier! You got this!
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“Thanks for sharing this insightful guide on creating a blog media kit! It’s incredibly helpful for bloggers like me who are navigating the world of media partnerships and collaborations. Your step-by-step approach and practical tips make the process seem much more manageable. Keep up the fantastic work!”
Happy to hear it!