Today was our first day back at the pool and we are HERE FOR IT! I was very motivated to get home and edit these pictures during naptime because we just love the pool so much and have been waiting for this day since the pool closed in September last year! In hindsight, I wish I got a picture of the girls together with all their adorable friends … but I was too busy trying to keep tabs on these two crazy toddlers!
Around February Hilde started asking if it was summer yet for the pool and unfortunately it wasn’t. Then she just kept asking and waiting until finally this morning I told her that we were going to the pool! “It’s open!!?” she exclaimed, “YAY!”
Bruce and his family grew up at this pool and now the next generation is doing the same! It’s really a gift. This pool (as silly as it sounds) means so much to me. I told Hilde my goal is to go once a week to the pool so get ready for lots of pool time photos!
The matching suits are from H&M which is apparently a tradition! These polka dot ones were the ones they had last year! Really I just love all the baby suites from H&M! Cute, affordable, and cute!
And here is a fun throwback – our first pool day in 2020!