Thirty- Three and I can honestly say I’m loving my thirties! I’ve never felt so good in my own skin. I care about what other people think of me less and less. And I’m just enjoying my husband of nearly nine years and two beautiful daughters!
I remember getting so caught up over the way the popular style clothes needed to fit me or a pimple on my chin but now I don’t even wear make-up half the time 😉 Those wasted thoughts that used to run through my brain and take up valuable real estate are fewer and far between. Maybe it is because I don’t have the time to care the same way – I am no longer just getting myself ready, but also two toddlers as well 😉 But maybe it is also because the longer I’ve walked with the Lord, the more I believe His words to be true and they change the way I think, act, and live.
Before you think I’m perfect, I definitely feel that discontent and envy bubble up when I start to think about house stuff, but I just confess and move on because the Lord has blessed me in SO many ways. Living in a not always Pinterest worthy home is a reminder that God is good and provides more than what we need even when the world says we need more.
My thirties have been a season that holds more confidence in who I am and who God is than I ever experienced in my twenties and teens. And even though the last couple of years have been… well, crazy… I feel so rooted.
My blog may not be the “booming” business it was before I had kids but I’m so thankful for all of you who have stuck around through all the seasons of Oak + Oats. I’m thankful that stay at home Mom is my number one job right now and thankful for a platform to share our hope, our story, and our lives.
Here’s to another year. All for God’s glory!
PS: To celebrate my birthday I made a baby registry to help Moms in need in our community. All items will be shipped directly to Life Network and given out for free! Shop the registry here.