Thursday February 20th, 2020
Second month of the year for Our Daily Moments in the books (see Feb 2019!)! One of my goals this year is to do these every month! It isn’t always easy to make it happen (I skipped a bunch of months last year) but it is so fun to look back on a day in the life. It feels like my days just repeat themselves and they always will but that is not the case. Even looking back month to month I see how my babies have changed & grown.
This is so fitting for me in this season as a mama but I say it all the time, I wish I did things like this before kids too! I’m just falling more in love with photography each year because of the memories! This month was fun! I loved going back through this day and editing them! These sisters are sure crazy but they love each other so much!
Want in? Join us! Our Daily Moments is all about capturing your every day moments in a non stressful way so I started an email list where I will send you monthly reminders to make it happen! Plus I send a nifty download with my tips & tricks for making this day easy and fun! If you want in on it, just click here!

1 -7: Mornings. Today the girls woke up at the same time which means we all woke up at the same time! In the mornings Bruce has been getting Hilde and I get Millie. We haven’t moved them into the same room for sleeping but we keep talking about trying it out. I think it could actually work but I am too nervouse to start!
Anyways, this morning Hilde climbed into bed with us while I was nursing Millie and then wanted to lay down with her when I got up to get ready. Head & Shoulders is one of our current favorite songs and she loves to point out all those body parts on people!

8: Since our main diaper changing station is in the nursery where Hilde sleeps, we made another one on our dresser for those middle of the night / nap time changes. I kind of love it!

9-11: My view in the mornings. I don’t always get to put Millie down when we do breakfast but this time she left me! I always take my time getting Hilde food and eating mine when that is the case!

11: Making coffee in my unfinished kitchen. I haven’t shared many photos of the kitchen on the blog because it is only halfway finished. Don’t worry, that cord is off and can’t kill us (according to Bruce!)

12-13: Time to get dressed! Normally breakfast results in a mess so we need to change right away anyways! Haha! I’ve been letting Hilde pick out her outfits in the morning because she has opinions! and it is adorable!

14-16: Hilde LOVES her legos. They are a toy that stays in her room so it is always fun when we get to play with them!

17: Whenever stuff is hung on the railing I think it is a person. So I took a photo of it! lol.

18-19: Scooting down the stairs is just too fun.

20 & 21: One day this may be an outdoor toy but we love having it in here!

22-25: Snack time! Hilde likes to open her cheese stick (I help start it!) and throw away the trash. She also likes to throw away non trash so I have to keep an eye on it!

26 -31: someone was happy with her new blanket! We got a blanket for Hilde from Libby Ann Quilts and had to get one for Millie too!

32-37: See Hilde loves her blanket too!

38: She loves having her diaper changed!

39: Nap time. Both girls took naps but only Millie got hers photographed! lol.

40 -45: We had some crazy snows days this week which switched up when my mom comes to help with the kids! She came today for a couple hours and Hilde LOVED it! And Millie loves Hilde’s hugs. Obviously.

46-48: Mom being cute with my Millie girl. She is growing so fast!

49&50: Sitting pretty!

51: Making dinner. We have been trying Hello Fresh for the last couple weeks because we got a discount. The meals are honestly great but I just can’t justify full price in my weekly food budget. So we are holding off for awhile. If you want a free box, let me know! I have a couple codes I can share and they give you a free week totally for free! haha. It’s nice!

52: Just singing and dancing after dinner. It’s adorable. Homegirl loves Elsa.