Our sweet Millie is one month old. No matter how cliche it sounds, it really is true that time flies! Becoming a family of four has been so wonderful despite its challenges. In many ways bringing Hilde home was easier yet it was harder because it was our first. The second time around, the newborn stage doesn’t seem as scary but you don’t just have one kid to pay attention to/take care of so that’s new & crazy.
Millie is such a fun gift to our family and it’s so darn fun seeing her little personality already! I can’t help but compare her to Hilde at the same age and they are not the same. Millie likes to snuggle and sleep way more than Hilde ever did. She also screams – not cries- when she wants something. It is still jarring to be screamed at in the middle of the night when it is time to eat, but it is so funny! Hilde made all kids of crazy faces and was super go with the flow – Millie on the other hand is pretty particular about her needs and wants. She isn’t a fussy baby at all, but she will vocalize when she doesn’t like something.
Stat wise, she is 9 lbs 6.5 oz. Meaning she has gained, 2 lbs and 9.5 oz since she was born. Meaning she loves to eat (just like her big sister!) While I am not surprised by this, I was surprised that she was so much smaller when she was born.
Having two kids under two makes it infinitely harder to get these blog posts up (if one of them is asleep, the other needs me) but I’ll continue to try to fight for this time because I want to remember these days!
I can’t believe it’s been a month! She’s the cutest. 🙂