I love Valentine’s Day! Growing up we always made it a fun day filled with treats, crafts, and a Chinese food picnic on the floor. My parents always made sure it was a day to celebrate love between family and friends and not just romantic love. As a lover of holidays and finding any reason to celebrate, Valentine’s day is a fun light in the middle of long winters! HAHA!
Now that Hilde is a year and a half, she is understanding a lot more which makes it even more fun to celebrate the holidays! When we moved into our new house, I noticed that a Dunkin Donuts was nearby and I started to plan all the occasions we would pick up a box of donuts in the morning for. Valentine’s was one of them because pink, heart-shaped donuts are my love language.
Fun fact: I don’t like the way donuts taste but I do love the way they look and the way they make people happy!
So this year I took Hilde girl with me to pick up a box of donuts. It was the first thing I’ve done with just Hilde (leaving Millie at home with dad) since Millie was born. It was so sweet to get that time together because while I do have a newborn, Hilde is still also my baby girl! We picked out our donuts and headed back home to share them with the rest of our family.
I’m pretty sure this was Hilde’s first donut and turns out, she is a fan! I think we will keep this tradition up (because I love creating traditions!) and it really just photographs so well 😉

Oh my goodness, this is PRECIOUS and what beautiful photos to capture! I love that y’all did this together and man I wish I didn’t like the way doughnuts taste 😉 they are so yummy! haha
haha! Thanks! And don’t worry, I like a bunch of other sweet things! Lol!