I’ve found that I can take a lot of photos but not all of them make it to the blog. A lot are just random and fun and don’t fit into a post of their own but I find that I still want to look back on them in the future. It’s funny really, I am waaay back into blogging being the story of our lives that I can look back on and see growth, change, memories. I went through a season trying to make this blog fit a certain mold. I tried to “find my nitch” to “fill a gap in the market” but in doing that, I always left out some of the things I wanted to blog about.
With all the algorithm changes of 2019 and the continued saturation of the market, I decided that I am over trying to blog for popularity. I am blogging for me and the readers who chose to come here for my lifestyle photos, memories, advice, and real life. Plus I have two babies and I just don’t have time to stress about it anymore. You may or may not notice or care, but I am still able to make the same amount of money that I was before on this blog while sharing what I want. So it’s truly a win-win for me!
All that to say, here are all the photos from this season that didn’t make it into blog posts of their own but I wanted them to have a place on the internet!!
Hilde playing after nap time
We have our Christmas Toys out for the season and she loves to play with them. This house has a lot more space for her to move around! She takes awhile to wake up from her naps and I just love her groggy faces!
Ginger Bread Houses
Our annual Mayberry family tradition of making gingerbread houses! Bruce was unable to join us because he was running back and forth between our houses trying to take care of last minute things so it wasn’t quite the same. I only took some photos (which is actually pretty normal) and historically that means they typically never make it to a blog post. This is the only one I could find on the blog and here is one on Instagram!
Hanging out with grandma
Grandma has been such a help these last days of pregnancy and Hilde loves playing over at her house! I love these fun Christmas jammies photos we took together!
Annual Christmas Cookie exchange
Another annual holiday event! We have a Christmas Cookie party with these ladies every year! We have been doing it since 2012 and every year we only add to our ranks!
Christmas in our New Home
Just some photos of Christmas in our new house and me with a preggo belly. I didn’t take as many photos of this baby bump in the last days because I just lived in my pjs but I’m glad to have some cute bump photos to look back on!
…and that is it! I just scrolled through my November and December folders to make sure that all the photos got included! I like this idea for a post! Especially when there are so many random photos taken during the holiday season and memories that I don’t want to forget!
I love this! It’s a nice roundup of the season.