Thursday December 12th, 2019
We did it! We got in December’s Our Daily Moments! AND it is all in the new house! While messy and in progress, we are starting to make this place feel more and more like home! I started in January (hello tiny baby!!) with such high hopes but we missed a couple months here and there because #life! I do have to say that 7 out of 12 isn’t that bad and 7 months of memories is better than 0 months of them. I am so glad I took up this challenge to be able to look back on our “normal” because it changes with each season.
Looking forward to continuing this in 2020 and those months will feature another Mayberry baby too! Things are about to get real crazy up in here!
Want in? Join us! Our Daily Moments is all about capturing your every day moments in a non stressful way so I started an email list where I will send you monthly reminders to make it happen! Plus I send a nifty download with my tips & tricks for making this day easy and fun! If you want in on it, just click here!
1: Breakfast. If we are eating at home, we eat with our shirt off. I am all about saving Hilde’s clothes from food stains! Also look at the bedhead! We finally have hair that can be messed up!
2-4: Playing in the living room. Our new house has a couple rooms on the main level that we hang out in and we are trying to figure out the best names for them. I think we settled on living room for this one and family room for the other one but how do you pick?! Anyone know the definitions?!
5&6: She grabbed my coffee mug which had a couple sips left and covered herself in it! She maybe got one sip but this adorable deer got the brunt of it! Outfit change #2 as we set this aside to get the coffee out!
7: The tree only has ornaments on the top and I only did my most favorite ones. A lot of them are from Bruce and I over the last 7 years but this Miss Piggy is a favorite of mine from my childhood!
8: Playing with the shoe pile. I love how she is always learning and growing. She loves to try to put on her shoes by herself!
9 – 13: Friends!!! We had friends come over to play in the morning. The older girls are a year and a half apart and the baby girls will be a couple months. It is fun to have friends in similar life stages! The girls all adore each other and also boss each other around!
14 & 15: Lunch date with daddy and Chick-Fil-A! We love their 3 and under toy. It is these cardboard books and Hilde could read (and eat… she likes to chew on them…) them forever.
16 – 19: She found baking cups in an unpacked box in the kitchen so I filled it with some snack. That kept her entertained for a good while!
20: Post nap hangs.
21- 24: Growing up I loved Disney Sing-along-Song and there was one about Disneyland (Disnelyand Fun) that I just adored. I found it on YouTube once and showed it to Hilde. Now this is the only show she wants when she wakes up for a nap. I love that she loves it!
Fun Fact: When she is at my mom’s house, my mom just pops in the original VHS!
25: The family room? The other room in our house that we hang out it. It is finally clear of boxes!
26 & 27: Another outfit change after a crazy poop. So thankful that I now have laundry upstairs with all the bedrooms!!
28- 32: Mama’s belly makes the best pillow! But really, sometimes this girl is so sweet and just wants to snuggle. She loves my belly and kisses it often! She also knows that is where Millie is which is just so sweet to see!
Pick-A-Boo is a new thing that she does for fun randomly and it always makes us all laugh! Got to love that big toothy smile!
This images are so sweet! I can’t believe how big Hilde is getting! 🙂
Love these posts! One day I want to join in!