August 23, 2019
Remember when I started doing a little “day in the life” series called Our Daily Moments? I was inspired by @steph.pollock to start recording daily moments! She does hers every Tuesday but my goal is just one day a month. And yeah, that goal feel through the cracks May, June, and July. I call it PREGNANCY and the curse of the first trimester! Haha! But really, I totally dropped the ball on it and feel bad. But there is nothing I can do about it now! I did manage to get in an August day and I’m pretty proud of myself!
I started doing these because I wanted to remember the unremarkable moments. The realities of being a stay at home mom in this season. The things that are the same day after day right now will not be forever. They will be remarkable.
Join us if you want! It is never too late to take a day to capture the ordinary! And clearly, you don’t need to stress yourself out trying to make it happen every month! This isn’t a stressful task – it is a fun one!
1 & 2: Hilde is always much happier when Bruce comes in to get her in the mornings. She just loves her daddy! (also when she sees me it reminds her she wants to nurse! haha!) We keep a cup of water for her in the crib because she wakes up thirsty and if she has water, she just drinks it and goes back to sleep!
3 & 4: On a normal day, Bruce brings her into our room after changing her and I nurse her in bed. Then we all get up and head downstairs. Today it was 7:27am when we got out of bed. It normally is anywhere between 7 am and 8 am!
5: Rudy’s! Bruce takes Hilde to breakfast with him once a week. They get breakfast tacos at Rudy’s and it is adorable!
6 & 7: After breakfast we just play in the living room. I sometimes try to get my quiet time done at this time since she plays so well by herself in the morning. We always listen to worship in the morning when we wake up until first nap to help us all start the day off on the right foot!
8 & 9: This is what happens when I walk into the other room and leave my tea on the coffee table! GAH! haha. Good thing it was very lukewarm by this point!
10 & 11: I tried a new thing and put Hilde in the tub with me while I showered because we had her 1 year doctor apt in the morning and I couldn’t shower during nap like I normally do. It was a hit! I may do it more often! haha!
12: Playing while mom gets dressed.
13: One year old doctor appointment! Smack dab in the middle of nap time. Oops. 23 lbs 14 oz (94%) and 29 inches tall (43%) Short and stout – just like a teapot!
14 & 15: PB&J for lunch. Made by dad. They like the same things.
16 & 17: Surprisingly it was cool enough to play on the back porch in the afternoon! I watered my plants and Hilde played with her water toys and buckets of water.
18: I started reading a new book I got called One & Two. They have a book for each stage and my friend Jess loves them! So I thought I would try the book for Hilde’s new stage! I’m not much into parenting books, so we will see how this goes!
19: Snack after nap! And yes, in the summer we pretty much go clothesless for the day if we have no where to be! hahah!
20: One of those days for breakfast for dinner! Waffles for the win.
21-29: After dinner stroll to the park with dad. These summer days we love taking walks right after dinner and before bed so that Hilde can get those “crazies” out! She loves going for a walk to the park and so enjoys swinging on the swings!