It’s officially official – we have a one-year-old! I can’t believe I am saying that. Everyone always says “it goes so fast” and no matter how much you want to roll your eyes at that overused saying – it is so true!! Haha! It feels like just yesterday I was pregnant with her and waiting to see what she would be like and now she is here and so big and so fun!
As I type this post I hear her through the monitor chatting with herself and the dolls in her bed. She’ll doze off soon and I am in awe that she can not only put herself to sleep but entertain herself as well. She isn’t my little newborn anymore.
Moving on from the mushy mush, Hilde had her first birthday party!!! The theme was Tooty Fruity and while technically it should be two-ty fruity for a 2 year old, I made my own rules! When we first found out her due date, I started imagining all the backyard birthdays! August is a perfect month to be able to have a backyard bash with friends and family and grill out! So as the date approached, I recruited my parents to host a backyard bash for our friends & family!
Nap schedules made this party hard to plan. I settled on 3:30 pm being a good time for a early dinner grill out and backyard hangout. BUT she switched naps the week of the party to going down for her second nap at 3pm! haha. We got an early nap in to make it work (it was a one nap kind of day) and she thrived off the energy of the crowd during the party! When we drive home at 7 she fell asleep in the car and I knew it was a party well done!
Since we were feeding people, I didn’t want to go crazy with decorations (plus it was outside anyways!) I ended up on Amazon the week of the party (ooops) looking for decor to ship to our house because I needed a “one” balloon at least! I found this tooty fruity pack, a one balloon, and some water balloons to add to the pool and called it good!
As Bruce and I were blowing up balloons and setting up the arch, we felt so domestic! We haven’t gone out like this for our own birthdays in years and we felt like full fledged parents setting up a birthday party! I loved it so much but it was also SO exhausting. Still don’t know if that is because I am pregnant and throwing a birthday or if birthdays are just tiring!
My sister-in-law made Hilde’s cake and we used some of her bath toys to go on top of it. I apparently have a lot of fruit themed things around my house that I added to the celebration. Hilde’s adorable outfit is from Amazon (seriously, I have been finding so many cute things for Hilde girl on Amazon these days!)
And those are all the details! Most important was all the family and friends who joined us to celebrate! It was so fun to gather together to celebrate her life!
PS: See that photo of Bruce, his brother, and his dad? I call it “no relation 😉 “