April 5th, 2019
Writing this post makes me realize I need to take my May photos this week! haha. I may have taken all month to get this post up but I took the photos in April so that is what counts! 32 weeks and 3 days old ( I have to look up a baby age calendar every time for this) – I blinked and she grew up! Like but really. Where did my newborn go?!
1: Morning! Just hanging out while mama makes her breakfast. Hilde already got hers when she woke up! I’m always starving after nursing her in the morning! haha.
2,3,4, & 5: Hanging out in the living room. Eating breakfast. Drinking Coffee. Playing. Listening to worship music. We do slow mornings around here.
6 & 7: Changing into our clothes for the day! She grabs her toes every time you lay her on her back and I just adore it!
8,9,10,11, & 12: Welcome to our leadership meetings for Tuesdays Together! We’re working on “hiring” some new people to our leadership team! And by hiring we mean it is unpaid. hahah. Tuesdays Together Colorado Springs is a local chapter of the Rising Tide Society! Basically we are a place for creatives to come together once a month to learn and to connect! Join us if you are local!
13: Sleeping. This girl only naps in the car! One day I’ll get her to nap in her crib. One day…
14: Take out from our favorite place!!
15, 16, 17, & 18: This is how I get the laundry folded and put away.
19 & 20: Dad’s off work!