In the last 7 months I have taken more photos on both my camera and my phone than ever before but I have also written on the blog less than I have over the last 7 years. HAHA! I had high hopes of posting 2-3 times a week on the blog but motherhood is a whole new world and keeping up with my Instagram can even be challenging at times! I’ve got the photos but sitting down to write something (and something profound) is not as easy to do!
Maybe the words are there, it just takes time to find them. Time I don’t have when a nap only lasts 20 minutes or when I hear a poop just as I open a new document (seriously though, those poops are loud and you can’t ignore them.)
I have found that this is one of the most consistent things about motherhood. Always being interrupted, plans always changing, and things taking forever to complete. Even today we made a point for me to get a chunk of work done and as soon as I crossed off something on my list, I added another one! And that was even with Hilde hanging out with dad the whole time!
Don’t get me wrong, I love it. I really do. It just really does change you. That work ethic, that go-go mentality, that overachiever, that workaholic in me is forced to choose. I can either live stressed out because I cannot do all the things I used to or all the things I want OR I can roll with it. I can snuggle my baby, read her a book, take her on a walk.
Some days I stress out and others I roll with it. Surprise! haha.
I have said this to my husband and to some friends and family, but I don’t think I’ve said it here. In this season I am a stay at home mom first. Writing it out feels so crazy. This blog is something I have poured so much of me into for the last almost 9 years. With each new year I set a goal to grow, expand, connect, improve. But this year with Hilde I don’t know if my blog will grow. I don’t know if my almost 1 posts a week will keep my readership engaged and my traffic up. I don’t know if my newsletter will grow or if I will crack the Instagram algorithm. Yikes, even writing this post I got distracted checking my analytics and they are currently not sky rocketing I’ll tell you that! (currently singing Shake it Off to myself 😉 )
But in this season I’m mama first, and everything else work wise comes second. So maybe that is why the photos are plentiful yet the words are few. Either way, here is a new post that reads like the old posts I used to do – a jumbled mess straight from the heart 😉
PS: Matching outfits from Ramble & Company!
Ughh this is my life, and not even just about blogging! It feels like anythingggg I try to do (write a post, empty the dishwasher, fold and actually PUT AWAY laundry, haha) is interrupted. It is really hard for me to remember that productivity is not more important than my kids. You and Hilde are ADORABLE, and I hope you find that work/mom life balance 🙂
Being a mom first is the best! This is the baby season, enjoy!