I’ve been singing Bon Jovi all week because at 20 weeks, “Oh, we’re halfway there!” Things sure have changed since my first trimester. So many people are asking me about how I’m feeling and I can honestly say pretty good! Of course I have the stomach stretching which can be pretty uncomfortable, earlier bedtimes, and a little one that wiggles around in my tummy tickling me & distracting me all the time, but it really is pretty good. Nothing near like the first trimester (praise) and while I toss and turn all night, the baby is healthy and moving and growing and I can’t complain about that!
Emotionally, I have good days and bad days. Days when I love my preggo belly and days when I see that I’m definitely already gaining weight in my face (UGH. I knew this day would come!) Days when I cannot wait to meet the little one moving in my tummy and days when I have no idea how I’ll be able to be a mom. Days when I hate my Instagram and want to buy a new house to start over and days when I am so grateful for all the things the Lord has so graciously showered on us.
And before we get too many paragraphs in without talking about this adorable cartoon of Bruce & I announcing baby ( see IRL photo here), let’s talk about it! My little brother has a friend at college who drew an adorable photo of him & his gf. He showed me and I was jealous so I quickly messaged back for details of how to get one of my own 😉 I thought a fun cartoon of us and this moment would be so sweet to put in the nursery! You know, by the baby Mickey hat and the ultrasound all on a shelf with the photo. I’m in love. Anyways, the girl behind the art is Vonna Fuentes and she is accepting commissions at a great rate (aka I payed $25) SO if you have been wanting something like this, go and support a college artist! I’m thinking of all the other things I need cartooned now…
I’ve been listening to So Will I by Hilsong United on repeat these days and it has meant so much to me in this season. I could quote every line here because they are all so convicting and beautiful and awe inspiring but I won’t – I’ll just tell you to listen to the song! 😉 But I will say that no matter the season, no matter the story, the Lord is faithful and I want to join creation in worshiping him. In a world that encourages me to complain when things don’t go my way, this song reminds me that the stars were made to worship, the mountains bow in reverence, the oceans roar His greatness, the the wind goes where He sends it, the rocks cry out in silence… and so will I! As I think about this journey and entering into motherhood, one line from the song that sticks out to me is “if You gladly chose surrender so will I.” I am already starting to surrender things for this little one – my body, my energy, my time, my job, my home. And it’s not always easy. I know the sacrifices will continue once baby is born and the Lord will ask me to continue following His example and laying my life down. My tendency is to take what I need and try to get what I want to make the life I want, but “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” (Matthew 16:25) I’m learning in new ways to lose my life to find it.
Here at the midpoint of this pregnancy, things are moving from “Is this really happening?” to “This is really happening!” Getting all the fun little things as been exciting but now I am feeling the need to start investing in those big things – like a stroller, a crib, a car seat! Plus at some point we are going to have to make the great circle move of 2018 when we move every room in the house to get the best set up for the baby, the office, and our bedroom… yikes.
Okay, I’ll do a more detailed 2nd Trimester Post like I did for my 1st Trimester, so if you have any questions you need answered in that post leave them in the comments!! This is just some halfway there pregnancy ramblings for you. These moments are so sweet and the weeks go by so fast, I don’t want to forget to capture these days. Oh! And if you have any advice about things we need to purchase to get ready for baby – also leave that in the comments!
I adore that song, “So Will I.” I listen to it all the time. Congratulations on making it this far! You are so close to experiencing God’s miracle. 🙂