Thank you Deer Lord! for sponsoring this post. Grab your new edition of Deer Lord! social party game, available through Target retail stores starting July 30.
I love summer (well, I love every season…) But I love summer. We spend our days outside and our afternoons on porches. We drink summer beers and tend to our gardens. We spend more time gathering outside than inside. We make sun tea, eat fruit from the farmer’s market, and work on our tans. Summer is always something I can get behind.
Last weekend we gathered our friends & family for a little afternoon fun. A game afternoon if you will (you don’t have to wait until night to play games!!) I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – we love games because they bring people together!
It’s no secret we love fun over here in the Mayberry home! It’s also pretty know that we’re gamers (we really need to bring out gaming youtubes back!) We have a game shelf in our basement that is literally overflowing (see our Instagram stories today for proof) & packed with all kinds of games – party games, strategy games, cooperative games, Euro games, card games – all the games! Our most recent add to our collection is Deer Lord! It’s a party game that you NEED to add to your collection – even if you are not as into gaming as us!!
Deer Lord! is a Party Game (aka everyone can play and it’s good for larger numbers) where players challenge each other to “Duels” to get ride of the cards in their hand. But that’s not it – you also try to “Dupe” each other by secretly getting away with random social actions unnoticed (but remembered!) So everyone is going around dueling each other on their turn but trying to dupe everyone not on their turn. It’s hilarious because every time you get back to your turn you are like: “Remember when I asked you to get me a new beer? That was a dupe!” “Remember when I got up on that chair to take a picture? That was a dupe!” “Remember when I kept talking about how my arm hurt so bad from doing push-ups? That was a dupe!” The key to a good dupe is getting people to notice what you are doing and remember but not call you out on it. It really just results in a lot of laughter and all lot of yelling “Deer Lord!” at each other!
You can pick up Deer Lord! at Target (where all good things are!) and even grab the “Broadway” and “Gangsta” expansion sets! Build community, make friends, and plan a game night.
PS: My little sister dyed her hair blue. Doesn’t she look like a beautiful mermaid?!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
ok so THIS is the game y’all were playing on your instagram story a few nights ago right?
I was LOVING the impersonations, you as mario 😉 #dying
This looks SO GOOD and is definitely going on my list of games to buy!
Yes!! hahah! This is the game! lolz! It’s a really fun party game!
This looks so fun!
It so fun!! It’s a great group game!
Oh my gosh! This looks fun! We are always looking for new games. We’re a board game kind of family 🙂
Yes!! You can grab it at Target for $19.99!!
Your board game choices are always fun, definitely want to give this a try.
YAY! Let me know if you do!!
FUN! When I’m home for Christmas, we always play games of some sort – this would be right up our alley!! And you sister’s hair looks awesome!
Isn’t it so fun?! She is so brave and artsy!
That sounds like an awesome game! I’m always looking for new and fun games for when I get with friends.
YES! Let me know if you pick it up to play with your friends!
What a fun game!!!! I love playing card or board games. It’s honestly the best past time with friends and family 🙂
YES!! It’s so great for community!