I have been compensated by Sundown Naturals® and Pollinate Media Group for this post as part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Sundown Naturals® but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #GoodnessGiveaway #sharethegoodness http://my-disclosur.es/OBstV
Some people were born morning people. I was not one. Mornings have always been hard for me. I was always the last person to wake up at sleepovers & I’ve always set multiple alarms to help me get out of the bed in the morning. I tried the “go to bed earlier” method and that just results in me getting 11 hours of sleep instead of 9 😉 The years that I worked full time in an office I tried so hard to create a healthy morning routine but it was always all out of whack. When I went full time as a Lifestyle Blogger & Photographer, I knew I needed to get my mornings in order to be able to thrive as an entrepreneur. Here are five ways that I have found help start your morning on the right foot!
Your body has been sleeping all night – not many people can bounce out of bed feeling like a million bucks. Hit the snooze and start stretching your legs, arms, fingers, & toes. This helps wake you up and gets the blood pumping through your body! Once your snooze goes off, you’ll be much more awake and you’ll feel better because the oxygen is pumping through your blood!
Besides turning off your alarm, keep your phone by your bed as you leave to get ready. It is so tempting to immediately check emails & social media notifications, but when we do we instantly feel behind. The online world never sleeps and we feel our absence. Instead of motivating you to start a new day, you tense up and stress about all the deadlines and things to do. Give yourself a break from technology and enjoy a cup of coffee on the couch or back porch. Taking time to breathe, move, and wake up without the beckoning of the work world will empower you. Those emails can wait until you start work.
I know how tempting it is to reach for the cup of coffee asap but you’ve been fasting all night and your body needs food & water. I try to drink a glass of water while I make my coffee so that my body can start to wake up & hydrate. Also, don’t skip breakfast. Your body hasn’t eaten for a while and you should kick start that metabolism. It doesn’t have to be huge or fancy but make some oatmeal, grab an apple & peanut butter, or pour a bowl of cereal with your kids. By taking care of your body, you are helping it work better for
When I outgrew the lovable & chewable vitamins featuring my favorite cartoon characters of my youth, I stopped taking my vitamins regularly. It wasn’t that I didn’t care about my health, it was simply the fact that I ALWAYS forget to take them. Taking vitamins is kinda a hassle #amiright?! First you have to remember to take them and secondly you have to want to take them. I am not a fan of the force yourself to swallow a huge horse pill method! I picked up some Sundown Naturals® vitamins at Walmart to add into my routine – Calcium, Biotin, and Vitamin D3 for strong bones and healthy skin! Put your vitamins in your kitchen by your coffee & breakfast to make a habit of seeing them every morning. Also opt for a gummy kind so it feels more like a treat than a chore! I love Sundown Naturals® because they are gummies but they are also free of gluten, dairy, and artificial flavors◊. Click over to this quiz to see what gummies are best for you! —> QUIZ ME! Then go pick them up at Walmart & start working them into your routine! PS: After you grab your gummies, make sure to Enter the Goodness Giveaway Sweepstakes today! Head into Walmart and purchase at least 1 Sundown Naturals® vitamin product for a chance to win weekly prize packages and a grand prize! Every week, one winner will be selected to choose from 1 of 4 prize packs – Yogi Pack, Fitness Pack, Foodie Pack, or a $100 Walmart Gift Card. Simply upload a picture of your receipt here and you are entered for a chance to win some incredible prizes now through 11/1!
I allow myself an hour and a half between when my alarm goes off and when I start work. I know that may sound crazy but it is what I need. I stretch, I go downstairs to sip my coffee, and I just allow for the beauty of a slow morning. Spend some time in the morning sitting on your porch or listening to music on the couch. This quiet time helps ground you and inspire you – your creativity is focused on the beauty of a new day not sucked up in creativity (and comparison) of others on social media that you missed overnight. As long as I can (even in the winter when it is not snowing) I sit on my back porch to have a quiet time with the Lord. I read, journal, and rest while listening to the birds, the neighbors, and life.
Making my mornings an intentional time of day only help the rest of the day to run smoother! I would love to hear your morning tips and things that are part of your morning routine! Let me know in the comments below!
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ◊Applies to all products manufactured after 5/1/15. Please check back of label as manufacture dates may vary.
yeah it’s hard when your phone is your alarm not to check your stuff 🙂 #guilty
It is hard! I have to “hide” my phone from my self to prevent me from checking emails sometimes!! It’s kinda crazy!
I’ve got to better at the no screen time – but I love these suggestions, girl!
Thanks so much! And yes, no screen time is so hard for me!
I want to eat all the gummie things, haha!
Me too! hahah!
I took prenatal gummies when I was pregnant and it was the only way I remembered to do it! They were raspberry lemonade flavored and I had to force myself not to take extra because they were so good!! Haha
Yes! That is the best! I love that so much!
stretch + no screen time! TWO THINGS i’ve got to get better with!
yes! You go girl!
I need that hour and a half after my alarm goes off in order to ease in to the day, too. I don’t always allot no screen time, but I work to be conscious of only doing the things that bring me a sense of joy and calm heading into my day. Sometimes it’s reading blog posts or watching a YouTube video, but I always switch it up and stop doing something in my routine if I notice that I’ve been starting mornings stressed recently.