When I first started blogging all I had was a little laptop and lots of random words swirling around in my head. As I’ve continued on this journey, a love for photography has emerged along with a million other little things. It is seriously humorous to me when I think about where I started and where I am now – I never dreamed I would be where I am today! It doesn’t take long to outgrow your old ways of doing things in the blogging would – before I knew it I needed a DSLR, lightroom, and a computer that could handle all my editing. Upgrading your equipment is always a bit of an investment but also so worth it. It allows even more ways for you to learn and grow!
I recently just opened a Lenovo All-In-One computer that I got for my blog! It is pretty amazing right out of the box but the first thing I noticed was “LEG ROOM!” and beautiful cord management 😉 But really, you don’t need a clunky computer and a million cords for this thing! You just plug it in and go. #itismagical The excitement doesn’t stop there, with a 4K & touch screen I pretty much feel like I’m living in the future. Editing my pictures on such a nice display with the ability to move things around literally by hand was revolutionary! haha.
New technology always feels a bit like being spoiled but it also cuts out so much of the clutter (and all the cords!) I now have one computer that does it all and more. We are still figuring out all the new things we can do on this computer – like play with the 3d camera or use NFC to upload my phone photos straight to the computer! The best part of the Lenovo All-In-Ones is that they are totally affordable!
Do you prefer a desktop or laptop? What is one thing you would love in a computer? What do you enjoy using your computer for? Have you ever looked into or heard of the Lenovo All-In-Ones?
#spon: I am in a partnership with Intel. Through this partnership I gain access to content, product, or other forms of value.
I’m a Mac user all the way and love my MacBook Pro, but this Lenovo looks pretty sweet! I would love a big touch screen; I’m drooling over the size of yours and how good photo editing looks on it! 🙂
It is kind of the funnest thing ever! I do feel a little spoiled with the size!!
Honestly I haven’t had a desktop in YEARS, mainly because of always being on the move and college but recently the idea of a desktop has been growing on me. Just as a more stable workspace. Not that I’d ever get around without my trusted laptop when I’m traveling though haha!
I love my laptop for travel, but now that I have a home base, it is SO wonderful to have a desktop and a work space!
I much prefer Apple because it works so seamlessly with all of the products I have, but I always wish macs had touchscreens! This may be a great in-between until Apple introduces a touchscreen desktop.
I’m an Apple girl but this all-in-one looks pretty neat!
I LOVE using a desktop but I am currently using a laptop (I have to be able to do homework while commuting and traveling). 🙂
I hadn’t heard of the Lenovo All-In-Ones, but now I am curious and need to check them out! 🙂
I currently use a laptop, but have been VERY ready to transition back to a desktop. I haven’t been a college student for a long time, but this laptop makes me feel like I can’t get away from it. haha
I prefer a desktop, for sure!
Also, those pens that you use are totally my favorites. I love how well they write and how colorful they are. #colorcodeallthethings
yes! And to-do lists are much prettier in color!
I prefer a laptop because we travel a lot so it’s very handy to be able to take with me and keep up with work. This computer looks so sweet though – love the size of the screen!
I’m only using my MacBook right now, but hoping to get a desktop this Christmas! It’s SO much easier to code and design on a big screen. Haven’t decided on a brand yet, but this one looks fantastic!
It is!! It is so nice to have a desk top for a home base. I find I get much more work done when I am working on my desktop!!