If you didn’t already notice, it is red cup season so you know that means I am rocking a red cup at we speak! Have you figured out yet that I am a sucker for marketing and great packaging? I can’t help it, the moment the clock hits Nov 1 I want to bust out the Justin Bieber Christmas album and hit up Starbucks for a red cup! I mean Peppermint, cinnamon, and eggnog are like three of the best flavors of all time. No Joke. And the Biebs, I just cannot help but love him. Side note, his new songs are also part of my daily music routine these days (Sorry is almost always stuck in my head!! and I love it.) If you have not heard the song yet, I’ll pull out my phone so we can watch the YouTube video. Also, sorry that I am talking so fast – it’s the caffeine 😉
I think the older I get the more I want to savor every moment of the Christmas season. I proudly included Thanksgiving into it all so that I can shamelessly listen to Christmas music even though growing up I wasn’t allowed to until after Thanksgiving. This season seems more chaotic than normal (I feel) and we’re probably talking about that already because I am trying not to give into the crazy stress monsters (and trying to take my own advice.) It may be because I planned back to back vacations before Thanksgiving and just happened to get Jury Duty on one of the days I am home (sorry work!) It is a busy season at my job, busy season here on the blog, and busy season in general. I’m so glad I got the chance to sit down with you for a little bit because as much as I feel like I don’t have the time, making it work is good for me!
Also taking vacations is good for me because sometimes the people you love live in other states like best friends and baby sisters. And sometimes you both wear red and secretly love matching the red cups and each other (AKA all these pictures from coffee time in Kansas City with my little sis!)
I just got back from KC – I went out for the World Series. JK. I didn’t do that, but the timing was sure perfect. I bought tickets ages ago when I knew my best friend was having a baby at the beginning of October. I knew I wanted to be there with her to meet her son and cuddle him when he cried, do dishes, and try to make meals. After I bought my ticket my little sister and her husband moved to Kansas City so I got to see them too!! I’m missing so much of the slow pace (thanks to the infant in the home) and the wonderful people I don’t get to see often enough but I’m glad to be back to my husband and to my Colorado for a couple days before I rush off again to Disney World (but this next trip I am taking my man with me!)
So cheers to red cup season and slowing down and speeding up. Life is crazy and busy and chaotic at times but make sure to breathe and focus on what is most important. Somethings can wait until tomorrow or next weeks but some moments we will never get back so savor them!
…and listen to Christmas music as long as you can.
When are you going to disney!? My family is going over Christmas. Cant wait to see all your wonderful photos from that trip too!
WE LEAVE WEDNESDAY! (I’m only a little excited 😉 ) haha!
i”m so glad you were able to go and spend time together! it sounds like it was perfectly timed and needed! i feel you on the busy season…it seems to never end!
It is crazy isn’t it?!?!
Since we are birthday twins, I am so curious if your sister was born in July 1989. My baby sister is only 14 months younger than me, but we are BFFs.
hahah! She is August of 1990 so we are a good two years apart but still really close!
Red Cup Season is the BEST! enjoy 🙂
thanks! You enjoy too!!!