Our small group has made it a tradition to get up to the mountains together every winter (see how cute we were last year?!) We really value the idea of making memories together and living life together outside of Tuesday night Bible Study! We also get such a thrill out of getting group pictures – it is not easy to get all these people together in the same place, paying attention, and organized.
2014 was filled with so many blessings and also so many hardships. We walked though a lot together and really heavily leaned onto each other. This is what community is for, to rejoice with those who rejoice, morn with those who morn. Just because it is now a new year doesn’t mean that there is pain still lingering from this past year. Wounds don’t heal over night, hearts don’t mend instantly. But we can take heart, because even in this broken world, He has overcome. Not only that, but He richly showers us with every good thing.
No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly. – Psalm 84:11
We hold onto that promise. Even when things we think we need may be taken away from us and blessings we feel like we don’t deserve may be given to us – He is our good Shepard and provider. When the things of this earth will eventually fade, He gives redemption, freedom, grace, peace, and HOPE.
I am thankful for these people – my people. Who let me bawl during prayer requests, who let me stick my cold toes under their legs during study, who open up their hearts, who seek opportunities to be encouraged, who accept gifts, who give generously, who laugh at everything, and even hug a lot.
I write these things and share these pictures because I never want to forget these moments and these friendships. I also want to encourage you to open up to the people around you and seek authentic community. There is something so real and powerful to pursue Jesus as a community of believers and I pray that for you.
Do you have friends that are more like family? Or community that you try to make memories with? I would love to hear about your people!
I love seeing so many faces I know and love. 🙂
Its moments like this that make life worth living! Thank you for sharing. I cannot wait until warmer weather sets in so I can go camping!
I know it! They are so cute!
Each of these pictures made me smile. I love that you have a group like that. It has inspired me to find myself a group just like this. You all seem so happy together!
Those birch trees are beautiful and I love how I can tell that you are a super close group just from these photos. Friends are such a blessing!
People like that are so special! I left a great group like that back in Bozeman. Cherish them ????
I think you are talking about the aspens! We have like a million in Colorado! But I totally agree, they are so pretty!
YAY! You totally should find a community. It took us years to grow but so worth it!
I know! It will be hard if we ever have to leave. But the Lord is faithful! I will be praying for new community for you!
YES! Love camping in warmer weather. But apparently we will do anything outside year round here 🙂