Today’s post is sponsored by LUNA Bar, but my love for LUNAFEST is all my own because they inspired me to be a GAME CHANGER! |
I have been thinking a lot lately about dreams, goals, passions, and adventures. You see, we each have talents, skills, and passions woven into our beings. We each have a story and a purpose. We all have something to THRIVE in but we don’t always believe that.
No, we usually doubt ourselves. We compare ourselves to other bloggers who are doing “better” or other small businesses who have a wider reach or other designers who create beautiful prints. We wonder where our talent lies in a sea of talented people, we wonder why we have passions if they never come true, and we wonder why we dream if we are only going to fail? – Those are lies.
Every time I have a new idea for Oak + Oats, a little bit of that fear creeps in. I get it, I am human too. I hate, hate the idea of failure but even more, I hate the idea of never trying. I look back on this place, and my life and I see what beautiful things come out of risk. And the wonderful way the Lord uses our story when we just surrender and jump into His.
Did you know you can be a game changer? You can! You can be the woman who continues to pursue her passions, learn new things, focus on her gifting, and encourage those around her. Game changers are confident and gracious. They are quick to forgive others and themselves. And they know how to Shake It Off (Shout out to my girl Taylor!)
I started thinking about all this when I watched this super cute trailer for LUNAFEST! Yes, just like LUNA bars – the delicious whole nutrition bars for women that come in wonderful flavors and I always keep in my purse! LUNAFEST is is a film festival that encourages and inspires women to be game changers and to pursue their dreams. The cool part is that they also help raise money for non- profits in their own communities and also the Breast Cancer Fund.
Guys, our dreams have purpose. This weekend I pray you are inspired and encouraged. I hope you hold onto the idea of being a “Game Changer” and act accordingly this weekend. Maybe you can even grab your girls and head over to the nearest LUNAFEST location to see the films IRL and engage with other game changers. Even if you can’t go, you can watch some of the clips here and be inspired.
So those game changers I know? Some of them have huge blogs, some of them have huge hearts, and some of them have great classrooms. The point is not fame, it is passion.
I love this, everyone can be a game changer in their own way if they let themselves
I love that the momastery blog always tells people to "carry on warrior". Same thing, be a game changer. Keep at it!
I love this. Thankyou for the reminder. I need to have a little more 'guts' in pursuing my dreams and passions.
Love this! I hate it when I let fear creap in and hold me back from diving in 100% to accomplish my dreams! Thanks for the encouragement! And I love Luna bars!
What a refreshing reminder–"our dreams have purpose." My favorite. Thank you for this post:)
Beth, you have a lovely blog and your ideas are great. I will be so excited to see some of your new ideas come to your blog. They might not be what everyone else is doing, but they are your ideas. Pursue them.
Yes! I so agree!
Totally the same thing – love that 🙂
yes! The guts part is hard but so worth it!
I am so glad you were encouraged!! XOXO