If you want your blog to grow you will need to start setting goals (and all the goal lovers rejoice and the dreamers hesitate). Good news is that dreams & goals go hand-in-hand. You cannot set effective goals without having a dream – so dream away and then get to work. Since goal setting is not easy for us all, I have compiled a quick formula to help your dreams become reality by setting goals.
I get it, you have a laptop and you blog all over the place – couch, bed, car, starbucks, or wherever the internet is and that is great! I am not confining you to a desk but I am confining all your blog stuff to one place. Maybe that is a desk with your blog planner, receipts, product reviews, thank you cards, and favorite pens OR maybe it is a shelf that is in your bedroom OR maybe it is a blog binder. I don’t know what that space is for you but you need to have somewhere that all blogging things & ideas can call home!
I highly recommend some type of blog binder/ journal as part of your blog space. This will help you organize your thoughts, dreams, and plans. I highlighted a lot of my favorite blogging resources in this post but always be on the look out for great printables and templates! Elah Tree, Emily Ley, and Laura Casey are all great places to look for help with blog organization. I currently use this Elah Tree monthly goal sheet & #powersheets to help me make goals. Use other resources (and other people) to help you narrow down your goals and write them down.
This one is the most important step because it requires a lot of time and thought. You need to sit down somewhere for a block of time where you can write all your dreams and organize some goals. You can do this a variety of ways, but here is something to get you started:
WRITE: Write down your big (BIG) dreams.
Where do you want your blog to go? What would you love to do with your blog? What inspires you about blogging? Do you want to make a full time salary on your blog and write a book and create some e courses and possible start a conference? You dream big and write all that down!!
LIST: Now go through under each dream and make a list of what needs to happen to get there.
Say you want to make a full time salary with your blog, first you need to offer sponsorships, network, be an affiliate, get paid to write posts, grow in demand and raise your prices, figure out if you want another source of income (book sales, consultation, classes) All those things would be listed under the dream. Try to think of everything that needs to happen.
ASK: Ask yourself what is the first step.
Look at all your goals and all the lists under them and circle the things that need to be done first. You can circle a couple things for each goal. These you can turn into your first goals – to get those 6 things done. They may be smaller but that is good! It is a goal and a step in the right direction.
So dream big brave ones. Dream bigger than you ever dreamed. Don’t hold back, don’t let fear win. Dream bold & loud and then set goals. Little steps and guidelines to help you achieve your dreams. Most importantly, abide. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. – John 15:7
This is good! I used to have more goals than I do now and I'm ok with that. I like the idea of dreaming and then writing out small goals to get there!
Beth! This is so great! Ahhhh! So encouraging! I love all the points you covered and I loved the abide verse! Also, so so pumped that the templates were included! YAYAYAYAYA!
Love this, lately I've been doing a lot of these things already, trying to really get serious about blogging.
great advice! i use power sheets and love them. another great resource for planning out goals is Kat Lee's how they blog planning kit. she has great worksheets for breaking down your goals into the steps needed to get them done.
I want a blogging space SO BAD! It's in the works….however, we are paying off debt so I have a weekly allowance. A litttttle at a time!
I love this! I also love the advice of the printable stuff. I've just recently using them with my own blog, and they are MAGICAL.
🙂 Of course!
It is fun and healthy!
Love this. I'm a HUGE list maker when it comes to goals and things I want. I keep a blogging binder with an editorial calendar, ideas, notes, goals…you name it! Love all these links you shared, thank you!
This is good. Blogging takes much more thought than one might assume and doesn't just happen accidentally. Good advice!!