this month my adorable niece turned three and she had a princess themed birthday party. i cannot believe that she is already three. i remember when she was born and i was scared to hold her newborn frame. she quickly stole my
heart and it has been such a blessing to be so invested in her life. that is
one of the reasons Bruce and i wanted to
live in Colorado – to grow up near family.
heart and it has been such a blessing to be so invested in her life. that is
one of the reasons Bruce and i wanted to
live in Colorado – to grow up near family.
as you would assume, the party was princess themed so she
got a lot of new Frozen toys and outfits. honestly, the party was right up Aunt
Beth’s alley. i have been teaching this little the art of Disney since she was
born. we also watched Snow White for the first time on our drive to Texas so that she knew the princess behind her dress!
got a lot of new Frozen toys and outfits. honestly, the party was right up Aunt
Beth’s alley. i have been teaching this little the art of Disney since she was
born. we also watched Snow White for the first time on our drive to Texas so that she knew the princess behind her dress!
this year uncle Bruce & i gave her a personalized princess bear that she can cart around with her wherever she goes. it also won’t get lost at Sunday school or the YMCA daycare because it has her name beautifully embroidered on the front. we also got her some Elsa & Anna socks that i found in the Target dollar section. she was a little confused at why we got her socks until she saw “Qwweeen Essa” on them!
sweet girl,
you are such a joy in my life. it has been beautiful to watch you grow, learn, and explore. you told me once that you love me more and more each day and that is just how i feel about you. i promise one day i will give you that cousin you always ask me for. until then, i plan on spoiling you with hugs, kisses, and fun goodies that i just cannot help give you. i pray for you daily and the plans that the Lord has for your life. and even though you are still so young, i pray for the prince that will come find you. the son of our King who loves and serves Him with his whole heart. and i pray that you would never forget that you are a princess – the daughter of the King. you are worthy, you are loved, and you are beautiful!
all my love,
Aunt Bethie
if you love the
What a sweet, wonderful gift! And I wore the exact same snow white costume to a birthday party when I was her age, glad wanting to be a princess never changes 🙂
i got teary reading this. 3 years old! she was just born when we were heading to work up at camp! wasn't that like yesterday?? love your sweet letter to little elsie…it made me cry.
Okay, this is just way too much.
My first nephew absolutely changed me. I didn't know I was capable of loving a child so much! My first sweet nephew is almost seven and I swear he was just born yesterday. Since then, I've gained SEVEN more nieces and nephews and I just love them to pieces!
She's so precious! What a blessing that you get to live so near her!
I agree! I love having her so close!
I am glad you are on my team! Disney hatin' breaks my heart as well! Oh! What a great family! It really is a blast!
I know. Can you believe it? They grow up so fast! Peter & Carol told me they cried reading it as well!
That is so great! I love how classic Disney princesses are!