when we pulled up in our driveway after our annual Mayberry mountain getaway, i was craving my bed (apparently, i am such a bed snob!) and so comforted by my snowy porch. we brought a little bit of the mountains home with us.
pretzel rolls from our local German bakery. the best.
snowy cabins in the woods
breakfast with five littles. aunt beth & uncle bruce get up way earlier than normal with these kids.
sweet time with family. games. meals. laughter. adventures. fireplaces.
best pizza place EVER.
colored skinny jeans size 2T.
“aunt beth, you look like a cheerleader” – Johnathan age 9
“why is uncle bruce still sleeping?!?! it is already 6:45am and the sun is coming up!” – Maddie age 4
“are you still wearing your hair like that? it just looks so bad” – Kayla age 4
“eesh” – Elsie age 20 months
(catch phrase) “if it is not hot but it is not cold – what is it?” LUKE WARM, TEPID, WARM … beep. “no! obviously cool. i was trying to get you all to say cool beans!” – Peter age 58
i am so blessed.
i am so loved.
prayer is powerful.
the Lord is always at work.
family weekends are the best!
I love family time! So great! (And pretzel rolls and my bed. Fellow bed snob here. 🙂