i keep telling myself that i am not obsessed with Les Miserables but as i was thinking about my favorite instagrams & moments that happened this week – i realized i was!
1. my husband bought me the soundtrack but it was cheaper on Amazon to get the CD and not just the MP3 so i had to wait…. only two days because we have Amazon Prime – but it still felt like forever! he also assured me that i would enjoy having the CD to take into the car. he was right. i play it on repeat.
2. Amazon saved the day again and i got Les Miserables (unabridged) on my kindle for FREE. best.
3. cookies. King Speech. and friends. when i feel like being domestic, i pull out the tub of cookie dough. but sometimes it is frozen and i make bruce spoon out the cookie dough and he ends up baking them. i am a sham of a wife! lol.
4. and yes. when the Princess of Genovia won an award for her grown up performance in Les Miserables my eyes watered a bit. she is all grown up and winning golden globes.
when the Broncos lost their first play off game against the Ravens. LAME. in overtime. so stressful. and so sad. just thinking about it makes me mad. oh well, next year. (i always say that).
i am getting some progress done on PROJECT NEW HOME & i have much to show you. i am excited. my living room is not finished yet but it is coming along!
Found your button over at Laura's blog: http://www.accordingtolaurajean.com/
Have not seen the new Les Mis, yet, but I am going on Thursday. I expect tears to roll down my eyes.
These are wonderful moments. Thanks so much for stopping by! Following you now too!!
ps – We'll get the ravens back for you next weekend 😉
xo Rach
Rach.E.Cakes – A Lifestyle Blog